Coronavirus Thread Political

Might want to read the article more closely. No, a formal framework was not adopted, however,

“The last administration asserted FDA jurisdiction over testing, and the development of tests like this,” Pence said.

Which is what they are talking about when they said.

According to the FDA, draft guidance for laboratory-developed tests was proposed in 2014, to replace a “policy of enforcement discretion” with regard to cracking down on such tests, where the FDA sometimes chose to intervene and other times not.

Not formerly adopted as binding regulation but was what they were doing already at their discretion.

I get ya. It appears that Hubei Province is some kind of hot zone…and if you remove the active cases from there. There is 10,000 cases world wide.

So the question is why Hubei. What happened there that isn’t happening anywhere else?

FDA has always had oversight on medical tests before they go public.

Canada taking this a little to serious.

You’ll have to ask the President that.

He’s the one whose VP blamed a policy that wasn’t even in force for the slowness.

11 million people stacked on top of each other in unsanitary conditions, plus the possible dormant respiratory issues caused by pollution you mentioned the other day.

Makes me wonder about Italy, though.

Maybe better than this. Iran unleashes military to combat Coronavirus.

Holy crap! They’re in a really, really bad spot. Maybe some good can come out of this over there after all. I’d never wish illness on anyone, but if a revolution could arise out of this chaos there, maybe it’s a silver lining?

The youth are for a western Iran. The youth don’t seem to be affected…

Like you, I don’t wish illness, but ■■■■ the ayatollah.

Man, if this could help expedite a coup, it would really change a lot of things globally. For the better. I dislike prefacing it on the notion of a global pandemic, but I’ve also lived through more than my fair share at this point.

Calm down everyone, Stable Genius is on top of everything!


My God the moron just learned that 1000s of people die from the flu every year and thinks no one else knows it either. Such an idiotic blithering ■■■■■■■■

We suck.


Yes, I believe that.


Not likely unless their doc’s are completely incompetent.

The symptoms are different, particularly the pneumonia which actually kills patients with Covid19.

Do you have any evidence to suggest every possible case worldwide has been tested?

which of the four points do you disagree with.
can’t wait for you to defend point 3.

I’ll be happy to answer right after you give a straight answer to my question. I’m not going to play your stupid game of never giving a straight answer while expecting others to answer your questions.

Do you have any evidence to suggest every possible case worldwide has been tested?


now which of Trump four points stated in his interview are correct, or is the President talking out his ass on a subject he has no understanding of.

Our President during a public health emergency actively encouraging people to conduct their affairs in a way that fosters a deadly viruses spread. He’s encouraging citizens to kill other citizens. This is what President Trump is doing. Encouraging death. This guy has to go.


He as good reason to doubt the official fatality rate since 80% of cases are mild and won’t even get tested.

are you suggest the WHO is lying about the death rate of a virus to make it sound worse.
why would they do that, under what motivation would they lie.