Trump told Bob Woodward he knew Coronavirus was bad- and there are tapes

yeah, I loved that part too…

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That makes zero sense.

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Funny, what he said then is exactly what happened. Many got COVID and went right along like nothing happened, because they were asymptomatic, so they didn’t know anything happened, didn’t realize they needed testing.

200 thousand Americans are dead. 400 Thousand by December.

Funny, and how many amune compromised people did they infect?

Trump was right. He was right then, and he’s right now, and libs can’t handle it.

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Don’t be obsessed with the minor details.

I don’t understand how the press doesn’t follow up on those statements.

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Fauci shielding

Knowing that it could be spread without people knowing that they even have it and also knowing that it was much deadlier than he was saying publicly… but somehow… this is shown to make the President look good.

Bonkers man… just completely bonkers.


that’s a good point. it helps avoid oneself admitting they were bamboozled by a NY real estate con man. that’s hard on the ego.


Trump was saying it like it was A-OK to do. Like it’s fine to have covid and go back to work because you don’t feel that bad.

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You’d think that “Trump killed those people” all over again today.

china, china, china

And lib coordination is getting more desperate and obvious.

It was running around in February. There were cases of unknown origin then. There was nothing we could do about the spread. There’s nothing we’re doing about it now. It’s slowly declining because transmission vectors are limited by herd immunity at this point. Been going down since early August.

Libs want to panic.

I know… releasing audio of the President using his own words is a lib plot.


They didn’t realize they needed testing, you say? Now, why would the public not have known this information?

In a January 28 top secret intelligence briefing, national security adviser Robert O’Brien gave Trump a “jarring” warning about the virus, telling the President it would be the “biggest national security threat” of his presidency. Trump’s head “popped up,” Woodward writes.

O’Brien’s deputy, Matt Pottinger, concurred, telling Trump it could be as bad as the influenza pandemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, including 675,000 Americans. Pottinger warned Trump that asymptomatic spread was occurring in China: He had been told 50% of those infected showed no symptoms.

In ■■■■■■■ January he knew this was the case, and did nothing. NOTHING. Well, he did tell a reporter for a book on him. But the rest of the public? Nope. We could all ■■■■ off.


They should have gotten in the bubble.

As shown… if the President acted earlier on information that he had instead of actively misinforming the nation a lot … and I mean tens of thousands of people a lot… would still be alive.

That isn’t panic… that is being pissed.

Why people excuse this is boggles the mind.


No, election eve style timing and the lib journo coordinated manic jumble at the WH press briefing, plus biden"s prepared remarks afterward are the plot.

Desperation is so unbecoming.

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I’m a little pissed at Woodward for sitting on this for 6 months.