Trump retweeted this theory?

It’s just a retweet from crazy uncle Donny.

Lol, now he’s blaming Twitter for not Trumpsplaining what he really meant with his other tweet


As egregious as this story is when placed in context of the mountain of irresponsible and bat - ■■■■ insane stuff he has also spewed out, it gets drown out.

Or maybe Q uses sex trafficking as a cause to lend itself some legitimacy while it promotes other unrelated crackpot theories?

Trump claimed complete ignorance about Q in last night’s town hall, then jumped to say he knew they were against pedophiles. Lends weight to this idea since he refused to discount them (and by extension their crackpot theories) but hey, “they’re against pedophiles.”

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His greatest political strength is to lie so much about so many topics that Trump fatigue sets in and people just give up trying to tease out what truths they can.

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Eleventy! :rofl:

Self control is a wonderful thing.

A pre-requisite for effective leadership.

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That could be true as well.

Not really.

That’s disinformation to keep you too busy to discover the many mysteries of flat-earth.

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No, really. Trump’s lack of it has hamstrung his ability to get his campaign promises fulfilled, not least because his inane outbursts on social media suck the oxygen out of any discussion and block any chance of buy-in from anyone outside of his base.

We understand.

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America Trolling Trump tweets is what he does best. I can’t tell if he’s joking or out of his mind almost every day.

His base loves it, more than anything of substance. Take that, libs!

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I’m still waiting on the evidence Trump’s lawyers have on Obama’s birth certificate.

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The base loves his lack of self control. It shows steady leaderly care for his job and our country.

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Released this coming Wednesday, the Wednesday after tops.

October is full of surprises!

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Maybe the media don’t want to highlight it, because deeper questioning would reveal it to be more plausible to the public than the Obama version of events. Maybe because it’s surprisingly true.