The freaky, shocking latest Q posts

Q’s password was “mattock”.

When everyone figured that out Q changed it to “m@tlock”.

It’s Watkins.

You guys are being played.

You are imagining things. Listening to weirdos arguing on the internet.

You are playing yourself. There is so much hysteria about Q it should tip you off.

There’s no “password”

Of course there was a password.

it was the password for 4chan and then later 8chan.

“High level” guy with the password matlock… then m@tlock… yeah… totally normal.

There is no 8chan. Really you should just forget it.

Just leads you to people making stuff up and then you make stuff up. Don’t bother. You shouldn’t even go to those places. Lot’s of nutty stuff.

Monte Hale and James Dean during the making of Giant. Mercedes McCambridge to the right.

This is a Gossip rag site below, but it discusses the apparently long-running question in Hollywood, as to whether James Dean was bi-sexual, (not directly relevant to whether he was molested as a kid.)

So what is this “Q” post saying?

Q Posted

Political operatives discussing political operations?


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Well, Republicans are now weaponizing Q followers with fake attack ads. All you have to is make up something about sex offenders and they get busy with the death threats.

A serial killer, pedophile, butcher, lecturing to the LAPD. in 1942.

Totalitarians, and their minions are just disgusting



"January 15, 2020:

  1. USA CHINA Phase I deal executed [China bad day]

  2. Impeachment articles released by Pelosi _walked [delivered] to Senate [attack v POTUS?][coordinated/planned for a specific day?]

  3. 1st C19 case lands @ Seattle-Tacoma Airport [attack v POTUS?]

Mathematical probability [same day][natural vs controlled?]


Evil surrounds us.


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Down some Adrenochrome and fight it!

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That is fall down funny.

Good news!

New Facebook moderators:


Are you trying to say Q can’t use their own website?

You can run but you cannot hide.

Lol. It’s lovely seeing people still have faith in our president. Maybe this time will be it. Public executions soon?