Trump Makes War With Canada

Only the trolls and the idiots defend him anymore. The rest have signed off because they know its indefensible.

You bring up Churchill as an example of how we should behave during peacetime with our allies.

Then you note here that he was a lousy peacetime prime minister.

Brilliant stuff here. I dare say that it’s this level of strategic insight that makes we wish we had poll exams so that only the best and brightest such as yourself could guide our country in the right direction.

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The comparison is only in the appearance of incompetence behind which lay their real strenths. True … Churchill’s strengths were infinitely greater and more respectable than Trump’s. But libs would no more have a Churchill today than they would a Trump.

Nah! He was a good degenerate.

And it was the conservatives who wanted to make peace with Hitler, btw.

Churchill WAS a lib.

So actually…maybe you’re right! Both of them were libs leading the conservative party!

dare say all you want. But my first mention of Churchill is here. If you can’t use the applicable part of the comparison without demanding that Trump and Churchill wear the same bowtie and underwear to make the comparison valid then yes … I hope the poll exam includes a section called “which of these things is not like the other”.

Uk conservatives are not american conservatives

CJ has something to say to you.

Well here’s McCain doing the rounds. Along with Sasse and Flake theres a few GOP congressmen with spines. The rest are ready to go down with the ship…

“To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values,” the Arizona senator tweeted. “Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”

Can’t Congress rescind the tariffs?

If they had a spine…

There’s a 270% tariff on dairy?

This was almost a year ago…wonder what it will be this year?

Not all dairy

It varies. 270% on milk. The article states Canada makes as much dairy as it consumes. The tariff is to prevent a flood of cheaper American dairy since the US produces more than it consumes.

Trump is willing to blow up our realtionship with Canada over $600M.

‘We don’t want to pay anything, why should we pay anything?’ Trump says of Canadian tariffs on dairy products

Again I must ask, is he really this dumb, or does he believe his followers are?

Tariffs on US dairy are not paid by US dairy farmers.

while at the same trying to elevate Russia

And for free (as far as we know)!

Finally. Feckless useless Republicans, for the most part.

He isn’t that smart.