Trump Makes War With Canada

Great. What time did the missiles hit?

So you think a huge Canadian tariff on our dairy products is ok then? Good to know. So that makes our tariffs on Canada ok in your eyes too?

Shhhhhh…….you’re not repeating the meme…now just stop.

……so that’s a yes?

Don’t look now but…your hair is on fire. :rofl:

You’re the one that’s looking “dumb”. If a customer has to pay more for the same product, would they buy it or does the dairy farmer’s products not get sold?

Please see bolded phrase, try again.

I said tariffs are not paid by the supplier.

They are paid by the buyer, in this case, the a Canadian company.

Never said anything about what you are talking about. I already know the purpose of tariffs, but that is not what Trump keeps saying. He is implying that tariffs on US goods and paid for by the US supplier. That is not the case.

Trump is exactly right in dealing with those who have artificially placed economic barriers on our products making them more expensive in their country. This is exacerbated even further when the trade is not balanced. I am 110% for this and it’s about time our government stood up for us instead of selling us out to the highest bidder. You go President Trump.:us:

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Nice moonwalk…Michael.

Thanks for admitting you’re wrong. G’day!

I wouldn’t go that far. He’s poking the bear right now to cause a storm.

At least he appears to be aiming for fairness and reciprocity rather than the protectionism he was promoting last year.

Fairness and reciprocity is the right direction.

Yep…and I find it confusing how any American citizen could possibly find fault with Trump over it?

Hate, ten more.


Trump wants tariffs on aluminum and steel for Canada, Mexico, and the EU.

That would imply they place tariffs on aluminum and steel from the US, according to the concept of " reciprocity".

Can anyone show us where they do that? I can’t find anything on Mexico or Canada, but I would not be surprise about the EU.

Furthermore, those tariffs are considered to be placed due to national security, so this would not reciprocity.

If it is, then it cannot be claimed on grounds of national security (which Trump admits he did it because of dairy on the case of Canada).

I have a strong feeling we’ll lose the case(s) with the WTO over these tariffs.

All those who are dazed and confused by Trump imposing tariffs, I’ll let him explain it to you. Here he is in his own words explaining it to CNN. It starts at :30 in.

They place tariffs on other US goods.

Playing tit for tat is why we have the mess we are in today.

Either there should be equal tariffs on all products imported/exported or none.

Wait…isn’t reciprocity with tariffs basically…tit for tat?

I believe in fair trade but…if something is wrong with how our country is being treated, I’d retaliate many times worse so that it doesn’t repeat itself in the future. Screw tit for tat.


A level playing field would be for example no tariffs at all on all goods Canada imports from the US. Reciprocity then would be no tariffs on goods they export to the US.

Playing tit for tat would be ignoring everything else and dealing only with that.

Canada though puts up to a 300% tariff on US dairy products that completely cuts US suppliers off from the market for all practical purposes while flooding the US with heavily subsidized cheap lumber that seriously hurts our lumber industry. They import little or no lumber from the US so how would equally subsidizing US lumber exported to Canada solve anything?

Canada dumps cheap steel into the US to hurt our manufacturers but imports very little from us so how do you level the playing field going down the line item by item?

It makes it a complete nightmare to even attempt to do so which again, is why we are where we are today.