Trump Indicted on Documents Case!

It can be espionage if the old pervert used those files to get money from foreign countries.

Did you see the indictment? There is plenty of evidence. There are photos, texts, emails, voice recordings, witness testimony.

i dont think this is the thread to be talking about LIV and Trump and the crown prince deals


From what I’m hearing this was stupid to move those classified documents…who did Trump thought he was…Joe Biden?


Doesn’t matter. They don’t have to show that. The crime was the stealing, obstruction, conspiracy, and according to the indictment, espionage.

No, you all were crying that conservatives had already convicted your old pervert in the white house. That it was against the constitution to say someone is guilty before a trial. Look at you now once again showing you are what you accuse others of being.

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Wow- that is quite the indictment. Feels…prison-y.

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I think Jack Smith is nothing more than a partisan who hates conservatives. Has been since he was lois lerners lap dog using the irs to go after conservative groups.

I have no idea. Neither do you.

There doesn’t need to be evidence of that good Lord.

But yes, there is. You can read the indictment. It’s public, only about 40+ pages, and written in plain language, all evidence from his own people.

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We’ve come a long way from:

the FBI planted those documents
how do we know there’s anything actually there
the folders were empty
Trump didn’t know what was in the boxes
Everything was in a locked storage room, it was secure.

And still room for more. The odd one is jumping to “now he’s going to win for sure.”

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you are absolutely right. might be a good time to read back these threads

part 1

part 2

I don’t agree with the indictment but the fact that there were so many presidential records experts averring that the President can declassify documents just by thinking it.

No you all just about how sealed the deal that a GOP member is going to be the next president. Let the trials begin and seal the deal for our next GOP president in 2024.

If the republican loses people will just say it’s fraud anyways.

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This :point_up_2: gibberish had no relevance to what I posted:

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Meanwhile. . .

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do you think his drumbeat trial can be held before election?

trump judge. anything is possible.
