Trump administration's legacy should be its cruelty to children

No, I’m going to need some lib support. I’m sure one of them still has it in their Apple maps from when they went down there to confirm this travesty.

And the Congress that continues to do nothing to stop the flood is still primarily responsible for the continuation of the situation.
Don’t use children to stop immigration law enforcement and not offer alternatives to cure the issue.

You want me to send cots too?

Heck why not? Maybe some stuffed animals too! That will make the concentration camp cheerier!

Cots are expensive. I’ll buy 1. But it’s going to cut the toothpaste some.

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They can let the sick ones use the cot! They just have to say “Thank you Sneaky!” before they pass out from fever!

Win Win!

I’m not trying to stop anything except the third world nineteenth century treatment of detainees.

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Oh, unless they are too young to speak!

One of the other kids will say it for them!

They’ll never know where it came from. What are you going to do? If you buy a cot, they’ll have 2.

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There’s no excuse for cruelty to children. None.

Are you talking about the problem the US citizens &Trump inherited from the corrupt and failed Obama administration?

Will Trump toss them out like paper towels?

No. That’s not the subject of this thread.

Look on the bright side! Some of these kids are so small 2 can fit on a cot!

Now its like an apartment!

Fever makes you sweat!

Bounty is the quicker picker upper!

Win Win!

Huh, apparently it’s true. And it’s not contractors.

Is this a good source?

Dehumanizing populations tends to have this effect.

You are, of course, correct. And the clear solution is to separate the completely innocent (admittedly an assumption, but I suspect true for the most part) children from the evil parents, and then abuse them and treat them inhumanely until such time as future parents get the message. Perhaps just shoot a few outright to get your message across? Illegal immigration is a scourge that should be stopped, but step one is TO DEAL WITH THE PEOPLE (wait, this word might be the problem, do Trumpists realize illegal immigrants are actual people too???) who are being detained and abused. If you wait until you stop all illegal immigration, then these kids will all be adults or dead before the problem is solved.

Then let Congress provide all sorts of funding for comfortable quarters, as well as increasing funding for ICE. If Trump then vetos that, its all on him.

Liberals pretending to be conservative is a big thing on this board.

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