Trump administration's legacy should be its cruelty to children

They are entitled to a hearing nonetheless, distasteful as it may seem. If they have no evidence or any way to prove their claim, they can be deported.

And they can wait in Mexico, a safe pathway, until that hearing is held.

I am starting to understand how Manzanar went on as long as it did.

Some of you folks need to go to church and get a grip.

Shame on you.

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Shame on those who look for every excuse to not enforce our immigration laws, including not doing something about fake asylum seekers…which are the majority of asylum seekers.


Babies in concentration camps. Sleeping on concrete floors, sick and without basic hygiene.

Rationalize that at your own peril.

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Welcome everyone in with open arms, give them a stipend and a job, college education, home, car for each adult?

We don’t need to verify them - anyone and everyone should come and get immediately ahead!

No, that would be the Christian thing to do, let’s do it your way.

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I cannot. The primary people responsible, however, are those who helped create this flood of mostly illegals.


The Christian thing to do is to give all our resources to anyone coming into the country? Really?

Screw my family, some illegals need an ivy league education!

Understood. I am ready to send toothpaste as soon as I get an address.

I’ll chip in too.

Should we consider every Democrat in DC a war criminal because they are the one’s who are encouraging illegals to come here?

Ya’ll did just fine with that under the last administration.

You can get the soap.

You must be really upset about the people who were hired at trump’s properties.

Responsible for the situation perhaps, but the people DOING IT NOW are responsible for their own actions.

Hope that helps you sleep at night.

Google is your friend.

Well, not really, but I bet they’ve got the address………

Yes that is what is happening, exactly. Harvard is getting a huge influx of 1 year old children from Ecuador.

Precisely that.

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“Hi, I realize you’re being held in a concentration camp and have to sleep on a concrete floor, sick and alone. But here’s some soap!”

Nice of you, for sure!