Trolls are ruining any chance of actual discussion

That’s the definition of trolling.,…

Your “solution” is that you are such an obnoxious and useless poster that people have to ignore you? If someone takes the bait and “engages you”, than you further troll the the thread?

OK :roll_eyes:


I honestly don’t know what happened to the Neilson thread. Maybe the mods can jump in here and give us some insight.

I’d like to suggest that the term TDS be separated out into its two components.

There is R-TDS - in which most (but not all) people who voted for Trump refuse to see him for what he really is and ignore all proof of what he really is.

Then there’s D-TDS, in which most people who didn’t vote for Trump refuse to see that he’s done some good.

My own view is that Trump’s complete awfulness outweighs the “some good” by a wide margin.

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This thread has 42 replies. Within those, Peek has said “trump bashing” TEN TIMES.




No its not. A troll is someone who continuously does a hit and run completely off topic. An example would be for me to repeatedly respond to multiple posts about some unrelated topic in a thread and then move on to another thread to do the same.

That isn’t remotely what is going on here. I simply jumped into the middle of a Trump Bashing free for all with a single post. I didn’t derail the OP discussion, because that had pretty much run its course after the first few posts.

I would have moved on after that single post, if not for the resulting pile on.

I wish it was the last time I had to type this out.

Troll posts: Ignore them an move on. If a poster continues to troll a thread (not the first one, not the second but by the third time) go back and flag them all and let us know. We don’t see all posts in all threads. Sometimes we go through an entire thread and clean it up (this last week deleting the troll posts/pone liners and their quotes half a thread dissapeared – but then I spent an hour deleting posts of “our posts are disapearing before our eyes” and one received a suspension for their contempt of mod over it.

As mod’s we take flak for deleting a lot of posts (you guys are over moderating), and if we hold back we get flak for “not taking care of the problem”. We THOUGHT the big talk about it and get it out of your system thread would help. Apparently not.

The thread was a troll thread that lacked discussion over the resignation of Nielsen, but rather reverted to what a lot of the threads have devolved into, and that’s smart wisecracks about Trump. Make a troll thread, get trolling responses. The thread was made in bad faith and so were the responses. I should have just deleted it and been done with it, but I tried to salvage the thread, as it was a top news story.

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