The Visionless GOP

You’re going to get less Republicans in office.

no i’m not.

trump shrunk the regulatory state, didn’t hurt any republican anywhere

there’s nothing wrong with allowing people the freedom to buy health insurance from whoever they please, or purchasing only the coverages they want. and its way past time for us to stop subsidizing everyone elses prescription drugs.

colleges are not federal institutions. many are state institutions, if a state wants to fund them, let them.

and there’s nothing wrong with senator scott’s bill

They lost the government!

had nothing to do with deregulation.

covid hysteria

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It has everything to do with the GOP not having a plan.

they have a plan. brandon.


Is this feature not common across states?

no, but not increasing taxes and growing government is. not much they can do aside from that, brandon is still the president.

doesn’t effect me, or anyone else who doesn’t get their insurance through obama care. don’t know what you have in tx, but here they have plans with 50 copays and no deductable. they have plans with and without deductables, and with and without copays.

I wonder how well this will age come Thanksgiving.

This one is aging like milk.

Do we have our answer?

No they don’t. Obamacare is garbage insurance and without the subsidy it is not “affordable” at all.

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Yet here we are, a Republic.

It had everything to do with the Republicans being only just out-manoeuvred last time by legacy media, Big Tech, and globalist white ants in both parties changing election laws to allow Democrat ballot harvesting.

Republicans have learned from that and are mitigating those Democrat advantages. Who will out-strategise whom next time is moot.

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In name only.

Horse ■■■■

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Oh. We disagree. What a surprise! :grinning:

Perhaps by some self-invented, super convoluted, rat hole of a definition that you want to use, but by the purest and dimplest definition, we ARE a Republic.

Maybe a failing Republic, but a Republic nonetheless.

P.S.-my auto correct insists on capitalizing ‘Republic’, and I’m not going to bother correcting it