The speculative environmental benefit of the push to go "green."

There’s many on the Left who believe that if we don’t take significant measures to go “green” that the world will end, which as many of us know has been an argument being pushed for decades. According to many prior predictions by climate scientists the world as we know it shouldn’t be here today. With this in mind much of this argument centers on how truly beneficial is taking drastic efforts to go “green”? Along with this is the fact that going “green” isn’t really as “green” as those on Left would like everyone to believe:

The other issue though pertains to the purely speculative nature of climate science predictions along with the seemingly limited benefit of this push to go green:

The world temp will just reduce by 0.0002 degree Fahrenheit if all countries are able to achieve their EV target by 2100. This is an astonishing statistic that has the potential to question everything that has been said about the benefits of the mass adoption of electric cars. While it has become clear in the last few years that EVs are not powered by clean energy sources and hence, can’t be considered ‘zero emissions cars’, the extent to which this statement holds true can be quite unbelievable. That is exactly what was unearthed recently.

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The poles are STILL covered in ice?



The whole thing is a grift.


Just another in a long list of snake oils.


What cracks me up is when people buy these battery powered lawn mowers to go green.

I love the battery powered lawn equipment. Just not lawn mowers. It’s an inferior product at triple the cost or more. The other lawn equipment are reasonably priced.


The reality of it all is simply that these “green” technologies are becoming more profitable than traditional ones. It never had anything to do with saving anything but the board’s bottom line.

Oat milk isn’t healthy either. It’s simply more profitable than raising a cow.


If our government truly desired to go green or any American has that desire; simply do not allow any product manufactured elsewhere in the world, in a methodology that does not meet our pollution standards, then the product can NOT be brought into the US.

This is a very easy concept to apply. Now ask yourself if you have the go “green” mindset…why our government isn’t implementing this?


That’s easy. Because it is nothing more than a scam. :woman_shrugging:


And a con, a hoax


That was ezpz. Next question please? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


I didn’t buy EV’s to “go green”. I bought them because they are a superior product and much cheaper to maintain long term.

If it happens to have some minimal benefit on the environment, added bonus.

I don’t understand this whole “better for the planet, lolz” attitude. Progress is progress.

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The Great Hoax is not “progress.” It’s immiseration. A grift.

When specifically talking about EVs it is…

Has anyone else yet to see a hitch on a Tesla also?


No, it’s not. Collapsing a grid and shifting the “pollution” to where you can’t see it is not “progress.”

It is virtue signaling and it’s stupid.


It keeps the air-conditioning on, and electricity prices low. Benefit enough.

Well none of what you said is accurate. However even if it was, EVs are still superior, especially now that they can be had for less than 30k.

Thanks Elon

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You sure about that?

Whoops, I lied, it’s over $40,000.

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220 mile range, without a trailer in tow. :rofl: