The speculative environmental benefit of the push to go "green."

Tesla isn’t the only company selling EVs. When I say “Thanks Elon” I’m talking about him ushering in the EV revolution.

The dropping price of used Teslas tells it all.

Like my great electric lawnmower, it has to be recharged, every 20 minutes. I need 4 ready to use batteries standing by. Junk. And always the worry the battery will explode and burn down the house. Technology today is not “progress,” it’s devo.

Funny I can mow for 5 hrs on my zero turn electric mower.

When I do highway driving so the mileage increases, my F350 has a range of over 1,000 miles.

Here’s a pic I just took after filling yesterday, but not much of my current driving is highway.


AND you can tow heavy things for hundreds of miles? Well my stars, look at the marvelous technology we already have! lol


How much does that cost, 5-7 thousand?

And a tank of gas on a gas-powered mower goes how long?

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Does it matter? It lasts way more then 20 minutes. But yes they are expensive but now I mow my lawn at 4am before it gets hot and no one knows.

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Strawman. That is not the argument, The world will be fine…but it will be very different with shifting weather patterns and more extreme weather that will alter where and how people live.

Humans will survive climate change,…,but life will be much different.

Hopefully AI will save the day!

My current electric mower was $600.00. I was shocked it only has 20 minutes battery life of heavy use. That’s ridiculous. I’m better off using my wired electric or gas mower, I had to go buy more of these large 40v batteries. I have 4 chargers.

AI is crazy. The designers of AI are disturbed fools and power-rnad kooks

It is all accurate.

Remote shut off if you wander away from approved areas.

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What brand do you own?

Hog wash.

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330 miles of range
Free supercharging
Plethora of charging stations anywhere I drive
Only maintenance is tires, wiper fluid and 12v battery every 3-5 years.
Faster than anything you drive and more reliable


I call BS. Green tools are throw away.

Just like ev vehicles will be.

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What is BS?

That they are superior products.

They are throw away products. So are they really cheaper?

I drove my previous Tesla to about 180000 miles on the original battery and original motors.

I had 4 sets of tires
Brake fluid change once
Cabin filter 3 times
Wiper fluid 3 times
Tire rotation

And that is it. Never changed a brake caliper or brake pad.

All this while having significantly lower costs for charging at home or on the road. While having a zero - 60 of 3 seconds :wink: