The Price of ... GAS

You should read the post I responded to.

Production isn’t shutdown, like the post responded to claimed, It’s increasing to pre covid levels.

LOL Jeff Bezos points out how J’Biden and likely his inept imbecile “advisors” know nothing about the fuel markets. Brain dead Joe is actually ordering Oil companies and their fuel stations to “lower the price and do it now”? Sure Joe 'cause you say so ::slight_smile:


When they deplete the ore, they will shut off the pumps and the hole will fill with water, the upper slopes will be grades smooth and vegetated. You are looking at a future State Park. :wink:

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Not reallly. Monday through Friday urbanites and suburbanites go to work and home. Errands are done along the way.

I focused on the “production is increasing” part. My comment was in response to that. And your graph shows that we are well below pre-Covid levels and there is no guarantee that we will be. Restarting closed rigs is not an increase in the number of rigs. It simply is not.

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This is the same smoke and mirrors the Democrats use on employment numbers.

When people were out of work due to the Covid shutdown, the Democrats treated the return to their former jobs as “jobs created.”

Dishonesty is a staple with them.


I don’t disagree but the context of my post is important. Production isn’t shutdown and oil companies seem content with the cost of restarting rigs they shutdown precovid

Hmm, got a quote?

I know Dems used them to tout the decrease in unemployment. Not sure about the “jobs created” claim.

I never play “go fetch” with Democrats. Look it up yourself.


No they didn’t. That was in 2020. Somebody else was president then. Here you go.

Enjoy the read.

You don’t want to backup your claim? Oh well

Ok, but did you drive nowhere else? When I was a senior in high school I could walk to my job at Pathmark. Yet if you count the weekends, I would average way over 27 miles per day in my 1978 Fleetwood.

A lot of this is also dependent on where you live and how old you are. Younger people tend to go out a lot more. People that don’t live in the city usually drive a lot more. An average is only good if we’re talking about people in similar circumstances.

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That’s exactly my commute to work right now, 30 miles one way. And I think that’s pretty good compared to a lot of other people I know. Or my previous job. It’s still going to be expensive on gas unless you have a really economic car. How many people not living right in a city are a few miles away from work?

That’s exactly what I am doing now, and it’s only because of the gas prices, not by choice.

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About the only trash they aren’t well suited for is Kitty litter.

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At least until trace elements leech into the water and turn it into a toxic soup as has happened at other big pits.

Again, the “shutdown” statement was not the part that I commented on.

Sure, but I barely put 3000 miles a year on my vehicle. During one job that I worked at for 8 years, I put only 10,000 miles on my truck. It was 1-1/4 miles away and I walked almost every day. It would have taken me a hundred years to pay off the added expense of an EV with what I would have saved in gas. :wink:

The trace elements were in the ground and within the water table before the hole was dug.

In the ground, not explosed to a body of water. The Berkeley mine, now an asidic lake, comes to mind.