The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

If you think trump and biden, in the space of a few months, are going to hammer out all the details that the commission already has over the course of years, you’re delusional.

They were and had been negotiating for years nothing ever changed. You think the commission in non biased? They pulled out because the negotiations were not going anywhere. Think of it like a strike. You are a lib you should like that.

“The RNC’s decision follows grievances aired by former President Donald Trump and other Republicans about the timing of debates, debate formats and the selection of moderators.”

Biden camp was in charge of one side and obviously didn’t want any changes and certainly wanted to delay debates as long as possible.


2 debates, June and September.

The ball is in Trump’s court. I think he’ll weasel.


No audience.

Trump won’t do that.

If it isn’t that, it will be something else. Weasel.

Oh. So Trump was involved with the pull out. Thought so.

And I guess he doesn’t mean ‘anytime, anywhere’ then, does he?

And if trump won’t accept the conditions set by the commission that set these up for 9 previous elections, what makes you think he would accept the conditions set by direct negotiations with the Biden campaign?

“So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.”


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Mmmh. I think you’re incorrect.

Of course, once again Trump is a victim. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Well since Biden just announced he would debate in June and September without the the Presidential commission looks like you were wrong again.

Are you gonna claim Biden pulled out of debates now since they are not gonna use the commission and dates in Fall?

Look who Biden insists have to hold the debates.

“Only four networks — CNN, ABC News, Telemundo and CBS news” :joy::joy::joy::joy:


About what?

How is he the victim? Is Biden a victim since he has now pulled out? If I think something is unfair and refuse to do it doesn’t mean I am a victim. You might want to look up the definition.

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Biden delaying debates.

Looks like it now if he goes through with debate in June. But we will see by what he insists on. But I bet his handlers right now did want to delay it and are scrambling right now.

I for one would love for groceries to be decently priced again.


Trump and the Republicans had already pulled out citing a whole slew of accusations about why the commission was unfair.

As I posed in another post what was the solution to this. Biden could have said he was sticking to the commission and unless Trump came back there would be no debates.

Looks like Biden and team are getting out in front of this by challenging Trump directly to debated outside of the commission.

Though a debate in June!!! Does anyone really want that.

It will be interesting to see how Trump responds after all he did say he would debate any time and place.

So how does that make him a victim? If a football team is gonna play a match but they tell them the opposing teams goal will be half the size. They refuse to play. Does that make them a victim or just makes it unfair and smart not to play?


84 million tuned in to see Trump and Hillary’s first debate. There was no lock down that year. People had better things to do.

73 million tuned in to see Trump and the Kid Sniffer’s first debate. There was a lock down that year. People didn’t have anything better to do.


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Dont know about anyone else but during the summer months I certainly have better things to be doing than watch debates.

Then again even nearer November I have better things to be doing.

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I was making fragile libs cry like little girls with how much fun I was having that summer. :rofl:

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