The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

Insisting on fake news moderators.

More two on one debates.

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He’ll get confused if the moderator doesn’t help though. :rofl:


He’ll get confused anyway but the moderator would be there to bail him out by arguing his case for him.


The CPD exists soley to prevent anyone but the two party’s chosen from talking. To limit you.

You don’t know anything about this “commission” you’re cheering for.


They could do it in an hour.

I think it’s because Trump’s camp thinks the moderators are biased.

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I think he’ll show for one.

So it’s on?

He needs an audience.

He needs instant feedback.

He won’t do it without an audience.

This is my proof that some humans are merely pets. There’s actual, grown ass people out there that don’t even realize this simplest of facts. It was easier to train them than it would be to convince them that they’ve been trained.

It reminds me of this absolute psycho of a fanboy:


He will.

How was I wrong?

Trump pulled out of the commission. Now Biden is too.

We’ll see what Trump says now.

I’m gonna owe @Smyrna a pizza!

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Just like last time

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“A large venue for excitement purposes”. LOL Who in their right mind gets excited about a presidential candidate debate???

Though I get people watch Trump to see what crap he comes out with (or what pearls of political genius depending on which side of the fence you are on).

Everyone will be watching Biden to see if he will just stand there saying “mama”, pisses his pants and starts to wwander off :grinning::grinning::grinning:.

You have to have a sense of humor about these things.

Pulled out of commission, hasn’t pulled out of debates. You were wrong.


As Always.

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I have a pizza on it, so we’ll see.

I would rather lose that bet because watching Biden get destroyed would make it worth it. On second thought…either way…I WIN! :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Wait…you win if the debate happens, right?

You lose if Trump pulls out.

Sounds like they are gonna go for it…