The Liberal PC Culture Has to End

Yep. I agree with that.

There are guys in my union that are all in for Trump though. They make good livings. So there is also something more.

There is also a cultural aspect to this. There is this narrative that criticism of our history is an attack on whiteness. That gender fluidity is an attack on manhood. That diverse representation in entertainment is an attack on white nerds.

Etc etc.

I am not sure I really understand it.

which ironically validates the criticism, but they don’t see the irony.

Its gonna get worse if republicans lose the House. Trump will gin them up with claims of rigged elections and illegal voting.

Libs play it all the time here. Remember thread about India’s gays? I was not celebrating. It means more deaths from disease.

But libs here were so offended by the emotional discomfort that my posts caused you that they lashed out as though I just chained up Mathew Shepherd.

Edit: had you confused with someone else when I said you responded that way.

yes, I do remember your posts in that thread. They were called out in a very pleasing manner. That type of bigotry was rarely seen from about 2012 to 2016, but it made a raging comeback when Trump emboldened his base. Thankfully you can’t really buck the trend of acceptance of homosexuality. However if you would like a joint initiative to promote safe sex in the homosexual community, I will gladly join your cause.

Bigotry? Give me an example of my bigotry in the thread. You see…you are so triggered that you respond as though I actually physically beat up some gay guys. You are guilty, dude. Put a “Safetyism R Us” sign on your office.

If you can dig it up I’d be glad to go through it. Are you on board with my initiative of accepting homosexuality and promoting safe sex within the community? If you want we can broaden the initiative to help lower rates of drug use in the community associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression brought about by growing up demonized and not accepted by their communities. We could spin this into a real positive.

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I accept that people are born with a genetic predisposition to engage in certain dangerous behaviors and that there are ways to reduce the danger… including not engaging in the behavior.

How’s that?

Nobody cares about your threads.

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so the real solution, for the left, is to be less human than Donald Trump.

i think the right is really gonna regret letting the New York City Yankee con man loose in their party.

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That’s awfully PC of you.

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It was not MY thread.

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Rational… not judgemental.

First post, right out of the gate, assumes a behavior practiced by some is grounds for denying rights to all. That is bigotry.

Take it up with the CDC. It is dangerous behavior…

The CDC is full of overly sensitive PC libs. But again, you’re providing a perfect demonstration of the reason why this OP had to be created. You can’t tell the difference between an orientation and an action.

This is why I prefer to use the term “homosexer”. It excludes those who simply have an orientation, without acting on the orientation. It is a word with “action” explicit in the word.

But usually libs say that is a hateful thing to do… to differentiate between the orientation and the action by using a word with action implied. Glad you think I am on the right track. I think I am too, in spite of the normal lib aversion to a word with homosex action implied. I figured they just wanted to hide the imagery that comes with an action word. But since you approve, I’ll go back to my more usual use of the term, “homosexer”.

Yes. I agree. This is why we’ve come up with several clever names for Trump supporters, none of which can be posted here without being banned. We need to drop the PC culture already and call a spade a spade.

Are you with me on the initiative to promote safe sex in the homosexual community?

Our dumbass in chief tweeted today:

“There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly,”

No more PC ■■■■■■■■■ This guy is actively promoting terrorism against journalists in this country. He needs to be removed from office as he is a clear and present danger to society.

Is that like safe drunk driving? Because I think alcohol consumption should be legal and no one should be punished for wanting to get a buzz. And I think driving should be legal. But it is dangerous to mix the two.