The elephant in the room

I’ll spell it out because you’re alright for a stinkin’ lib but most of the conservatives seemed to immediately get that “other places” usually means people’s proverbial pockets. :stuck_out_tongue:

You and I could be having EBT steaks too, but nooOOOoo!!

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You’ve become more dickish as of late.

I’m getting older and have less obligations to treat stupidity like anything else. Plus, it’s in the name. :wink:

Close to 200 Bilions sunk into Ukraine with no end in sight to the end of that war.

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No hope unless Trump is elected.

Current administration desires an endless conflict apparently.

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How’d he do the last time?

Many states are too poor to do it.

none are too poor to do it

How did the trump tax cuts work out for the deficit? How about the bush tax cuts?

Gotta launder that money, don’t you know?

Holy crap, I had no idea we were wasting that much money on someone else’s border skirmish.

What a ■■■■■■■ clown show. :rofl:

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–SixFoot, November 7th, 2020

Suck it, lib bitches. :rofl:


Covid and Fauchi screwed up all.

Trump added 8 trillion to the national debt. Half of that - 4 trillion dollars - before covid hit.

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We needed another conflict to keep the military industrial complex in the black since Afghanistan has petered out.

between that and the Hamas/israel war.

they are very happy.


No, they want a Ukraine W.

But they also don’t want Russia to lose too badly. It’s politics.

Vote Trump!

Some dumbasses actually think America wants a “win” in Ukraine just like we dumbasses thought America wanted a “win” in Afghanistan.

Lap it up harder, (D)ogs. Don’t ever even try to learn better. :rofl:


if they did, Ukraine would have won already. Biden does not want a Ukraine win, what he wants is to give them just enough to not lose but never enough to win. The fear of the Putin regime collapsing outweighs any concern for Ukraine or Ukrainians.