The elephant in the room

There’s more than enough revenue for the United States’ to keep and expand all of its “social” programs.

There’s more than enough revenue to feed everyone here.

There’s more than enough revenue to house all the homeless.

It’s just that it all mostly goes to other places instead. :man_shrugging:


Africa needs its M16s.


Sure does help to have them fighting with each other instead of competing with us.


If not for all the killing, Sub Saharan Africa would probably be the richest place on earth. An asteroid’s worth of mineral wealth resides there.

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Afghanistan is sitting on more trillions of resources than anyone cares to admit.


Why should tax money go to a radio station?

Food stamps should be a state issue. I support helping those in need, just not the federal government doing it.


when. has that ever kept the congress from spending money?


the point is, it should


We need someone with the balls to say, “Cut both.”

It’s a fallacy that cutting has to be an either/or proposition.

There are hundreds of easy cuts to make as a start. Superfluous agencies would be a great starting place, and maybe both sides of the aisle could get behind some of those.

The dems need to propose the cuts. Otherwise they will just throw stones at any idea beside raising taxes. But raising taxes does not work. They tried it many times and the debt is larger than ever…

Drill baby drill will help lower deficits by increasing the national income. Which is how most people pay off debt…

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Foreign aid is a whopping 1% of the US budget.

You precious thing, you thought “other places” meant foreign aid. :rofl:

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You precious thing, you said “places” when you meant something else entirely.

You’re flattering your superiors with imitation now that your fat nose embarrassed you again. :rofl:

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Weak sauce, but you do you.

You’re still scraping down there at my ankles, waiting for my permission to have the last word. The whole thread is now your tantrum for my attention, all because you can’t properly read what you’re butting into. :rofl:


Cut enough 1% items, and you have some decent progress.



Yeah Sammy, it all mostly goes to Ukraine. Holy crap, did someone send out the lib signal for help? :rofl:


Just wanted to make sure you meant Ukraine because it could’ve referred to other things.

I’m done with the Russo-Ukraine proxy war we have going on.