Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

Trump. Come on man! Look, here’s the deal.

We’ll start counting every single death after Jan 21st as blood on Bidens hands…

Spitting is already assault.

Is breathing?

Are you kidding?

How do suppose it effects her skills as a doctor?

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Yep, he’s gonna tank the economy and get us involved in another war with no end in sight once China starts demanding more natural resources.

Too bad they won’t have a republican to blame this time. :man_shrugging:


Can’t remember what they called it there. Where they get restrictions and can’t travel for social misbehavior.

We’re about to find out. We got us some Woke badakathcare coming!

By the time Joey is inaugurated, we should have a vaccine, making this topic kinda moot.

It has to be. One lib has somehow managed to say “Trump!” over 20 times in one thread. That can’t be healthy. :thinking:

There’s cognitive dissonance with this virus when it comes to Europe, as they’re now in worse shape than the U.S. despite embracing just about every measure that Democrats wanted. I believe we need far better national coordination, as that was Trump’s Achilles heel, but we also need an honest dialogue over what hasn’t worked in other nations as well.

Yeah, that’s not how the spitting bans during TB worked

I am so glad you guys are around to speculate because almost every time you get proven wrong.


Typical. They fight Trump every step of the way, drive the mortality rate way up for political gain, then Kid Sniffer will take credit when the vaccine Trump got fast tracked starts to drop the infection rate…


Why wait? The new 'Rona Wranglers have already been named.

They’ll start talking to the media Monday.

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One likely scenario is Taiwan will be entirely on their own. I’d be fleeing that nation tonight if I lived there.

No. Biden can’t do it. But I hope he can set an example and get more people to wear them.

“Social Credit System”


He can’t.