Biden's Response to the Trump Virus

Right. Just look how it’s doing in Europe.


I doubt the blanket term ‘unconstitutional’ applies.

I remember the last TB scare. Spitting was subject to fines, everywhere.

So much easier to be the opposition!

CJT, long may you reign.

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Care to make a wager about Joe declaring martial law?

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Yes, sure. California is having a spike now in China virus and we KNOW that’s a big Trump state…

None of that happened.

What happened was a hodgepodge done in the most inefficient and costly manner possible.

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El Paso. Aka “Trumptown”

Maybe they wanted some freedberty too. :thinking:

Yes it did and you know it.

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The amnesia begins. :man_shrugging:


No…it didn’t.

Except in the most inefficient and costly manner possible.

If Lib governors and mayor’s had beaten back the super spreader BLM/Antifa riots all summer, maybe China virus could have been slowed a little.


Spitting is a far cry different than “breathing in public”.

But that’s what you have to complain about. Trump let the states handle the crisis like the law dictates.

But everything has to be a national mandate for libs to think something is being done.

Well. Too bad. There’s no authority to mandate any sort of national lockdown or mask mandate unless he calls for martial law.


Libs have that in common with China.


Yes, but I have links. For two reasons:

  1. To show the horse ■■■■ claims were false.

  2. I knew this was going to happen.

Hence the “Truth in 'Rona” thread.

Oh we got 'em sister.

I love Critical Theory, it’s so easy!

Man I missed the Obama years!

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Since people would tell Biden to pound sand, probably not. So what is left but a national lockdown?

You lose.

Spitting affects others. Masklessness affects others.

Who enabled it in Europe?

Plus a lot more. Wonder when they start the push for social justice brownie points here?