The elephant in the room

I get the calculation. The world’s second largest nuclear weapons state collapsing overnight is scary. No way to predict what would happen. The Soviet collapse worked out in everyone’s favor. But Russia isn’t the Soviet Union either so it’s all over the place what would actually happen.

What to do, what to do? STOP voting for Democrats!

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Understandable, but naive. let Putin’s regime fall. Another will rise, probably worse, but it will be short lived. Reform will win out in the end. The Russian people will demand it. They did once already, and then Yeltsin betrayed them with Putin.

I think everyone is terrified of a nuclear civil war breaking out in Russia.

Nah, it’ll be fine. :wink:

Allocation of resources. No state is too poor. But it would require changes in spending priorities. And that’s complicated politics.

that would be insane. What a stupid thing to be afraid of. Russians are crazy, but not suicidal. I think the issue is more one of Dagestan or Bashkortostan suddenly becoming nuclear powers. Neither is anything to fear. Aside from the fact that they could not use them, neither could field an army that could hold them.

Mississippi in any practical sense could never provide SNAP for their citizens without federal assistance.

It could be done but it would require sacrifices in other areas of spending. Areas that the politicians here would never ever touch.

Mississippi has a relatively small population for a state east of the Mississippi. I’m sure it could be done if we cut in other areas. Issue is what do we cut?

I dunno they did blow themselves up in the 1920s without nukes. Russian civil wars are a mess.

They could, or they could do something different. It’s just not a federal issue.

An amendment should have been passed to make it a federal issue. The program is less the issue than the unconstitutionality of how it was passed into law.

Come now.

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should have and has are not the same. None has, these are not federal issues. While I might be convinced that some things that currently should not be federal (constitutionally) maybe should be made constitutional, there are other priorities that need addressing even more.

ETA: I do support the idea of a constitutional convention… scary as that could be.

Practically it could not be done unless you didn’t want paved state and local roads, prisons, courts, health departments, building code offices, etc…

Our roads are already ■■■■ and not cared for at all so there’s nothing to cut there.

I would think they’d probably cut the business subsidies out completely. That’s something that both democratic and republican administrations have been doing here since Katrina to get more jobs.

and yet snap, Ss, mc and the ace have all been found constitutional by the SCOTUS.


So, daydreaming about your state funding SNAP is absurd.

You couldn’t do it.

So your UE goes up even higher…

I’m not arguing they are good or bad. I’m simply pointing out your state couldn’t pay for the things the fed. pays for without drastic impacts on your economy.

But it could be done. It would just require cuts elsewhere and probably a decrease in benefits.

Your state budget is 6B. You take about 1B in SNAP alone from the Fed. You take 5B for medicaid.