Teachers Coached Girl, 12, Into Trans Identity, Accused Parents of Abusing Her

The O P doesn’t surprise me, and I don’t even know where the kid lived or to what state he moved.

I live in a small town in Massachusetts. High school has gotten so bad since a reasonable principal retired and an assistant principal took over. Coming to class a few minutes late is considered “disruptive to education”, yet pulling students out of actual classes to lecture them about not misgendering anyone isn’t.


Students have actually been suspended for “hate speech” for not wanting to play the “What are your preferred gender pronouns?” game. The majority of students consider themselves the sex they were born, and curvy female students identifying themselves as male are nowhere jear the majority.

In another district, a teen boy was asked “What is your sexuality?” in health class. Why should any teenager be asked a question about such private matters?

The student got creative and replied “default setting”. I doubt those actually GLBTQ want to be bothered with this nonsense as a gay teacher (man mentioned his husband) doesn’t ask such questions of his students, but white liberals so far left they probably reside in the Pacific Ocean.

Can’t wait to see the kid graduate in two years.


Due process. Nobody has the “right” to decide for themselves that somebody else is a bad parent and take it upon themselves to “fix it”.

If due process is followed, both sides have an opportunity to make their case and a judge rules on it, fine.

If not it’s Karenism.

Mod Note

No. You don’t get to do that. Do not imply that a member of this forum is “ok” with child abuse or molestation. You are warned.

Thank goodness my children are grown.


Mine isn’t too far behind.

Teachers have no business taking on any role other than education (reading, writing, arithmetic).


I bet the kids still need a signed permission slip to go on a field trip. Want to mess with a kid’s head? No permission required.


Here is how kids and teens should respond to questions about their pronouns or sexuality:

Creepy teachers like the ones in the O P would need a fainting couch.

School isn’t the place for such nonsense as rainbow safe havens and “teachers” trolling for GLBTQ group members.


It’s all hearsay evidence.

It’s the best kind.

Terrible reporting, not even interviewing the teachers in question to get their side of the story.


It’s very possible these teachers crossed a line and acted inappropriately. It’s also possible the student approached these teachers with questions they didn’t feel comfortable talking with their parents about.

I’m firm believer that educators, under the right circumstances, can play an important role in a student’s life that goes beyond reading and writing. This mindset that EVERYTHING the government does is bad has truly broken a bunch of conservatives brains.

Should teachers be talking to students about their gender identity? I honestly don’t know. Only under very specific circumstances that takes into account the role of the guardians.


Stick to the Constitution

Nice website you got there. Also i didn’t mention intelligent design i mentioned creationism. You brought intelligent design into the conversation

You should click through the website and not just link their attempt to hide behind the pseudoscientific nonsense they wrote to make it sounds nice.

The importance of the design is exactly the issue. Complexity etc. but for an intelligent creator of the universe…. That’s the point. And it’s not science. Making something sound all sciency and stuff doesn’t change the fact that the underlying goal is to teach about God.

Fair enough. Thank you

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There is no way to tell from the article that the OP.

The article is subjective.

I like a little objectivity in my reporting.


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Just as I do not think Cops should be handling mental health crises, I don’t think teachers, however well intended, should be handling adolescent psychologic issues. These are highly vulnerable kids who need expert guidance and advice which should be left to folks who know what they are doing. Otherwise, it is vulnerable to the advocacy of the teacher, whether against or for, and that isn’t in the best interest of the child.

If a kid is feeling pressure, whether it be identity, depression, or anything else a board certified social worker or psychologist should be made available by the school district. And that staff should follow all legally required laws concerning consent and parental involvement.

A kid who is troubled needs professional help, not well intentioned but possibly unqualified help. Parents should be involved given the circumstance, although if it involves incest or other abuse by the parent there should be some consideration there.


You know who the two teachers she (the mom) is talking to are right?

Remember these guys? Yeah, that’s them.


Often the kids themselves, who self-refer for help.

How hard is it to the leave the kids alone, and let parents be parents.


The OP is on a different subject…

I have a LOT of problems with this!

Monitoring their students?
Undermining parents.
Recruitment into LGBQ.
12 years old being manipulated.