Surprisingly Strzok has already raised 30k for lost wages and legal fees. Who would support this cause?

In the very same post, you decry trolling and then confess to it.

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Me being entertained by the political musings of others isn’t trolling. Geez get a dictionary.
You are really super bad at this whole thing.

For example:

About as obvious of a troll thread as possible. Dishonest, misleading, hell straight up false title, designed and meant to illicit negative knee jerk responses, not engage in any sort of meaningful debate. And that isn’t even the most recent.

That doesn’t enter into their discussion. Only putting the word “prosecute” out into the ozone makes them feel like they’ve accomplished something.

:rofl: “reporter”.

The only thing that seems to be credited is that Fusion lobbied Derepaska a friend of Putin and Mueller for fake information! The FBI already knew about Carter Page, and according to NY Post it was Fusion who set up the Don Jr meeting, hints why Don Jr has not been indicted yet. This is all backfiring.

i guess there is always hope.

hey, that poster swears he doesn’t watch Fox or listen to Rush. I guess that link to a Fox article was just, what, coincidence.

It offends you that I dont watch or listen to Fox… doesn’t it? It makes your narrative out to be a lie.

But I do survey many news sources on the internet… Fox no more than others.

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Why would anyone be offended by what you do or do not watch?

Ask @CaughtInTheMiddle . Pretty sure it is because I prove your narrative to be a lie.

It probably doesn’t surprise you the number of threads that exist here that are near or are verbatim quotes or topics brought up specifically on the Rush and Sean shows. That probably shouldn’t be all that surprising considering the website we are on.

What gets me is how often people will claim they think for themselves, at the same time claiming to not even watch or listen to said shows, and yet coincidentally parroting CEC material.

They parrot me dude.

Several of us are the thought engines of anti-lib activism.

And before you ask… yes… yes… it is a heavy and solemn burden.

yeah, some tend to run from it. weird.

And lie like a rug about it.

Just as I thought, you had nothing, hence no need to explain.


What happens to that money if there aren’t any legal fees?

I collect those “so you got nothing” posts.
They are little trophies… like 10 point antlers on the wall. They are evidence of “deer in the headlights” mentality of libs.

Thank you.

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GoFundMe drives usually have stipulations attached that state the money is returned to the people who donated if certain conditions aren’t met.