Surprisingly Strzok has already raised 30k for lost wages and legal fees. Who would support this cause?


Glad to contribute.


Yep, and there’s quite a few of them apparently. Last I heard he was over a quarter of a million dollars. I guess the resistance wants to buy him a new house or maybe a yacht.

He’s done more to discredit the FBI and Mueller investigation than anyone else, but because he hates Trump some on the left are showering him with cash. He’s hit the lottery with those clowns.

I found this post entertaining to read.

He could put on a sandwich board that reads “I’M THAT FBI GUY WHO TRUMP HATES,” show up at the next left-wing rally in D.C., and walk away at the end of the day with enough to retire on in Hawaii. :joy::joy::joy:


Much more important people to send money to…like Alex Jones.

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What were the “conditions” here? As far as I know it’s mostly about “lost wages”. Between this and his upcoming book that I’m sure he’s going to release, he’s going to be a very wealthy man.

It’s for “lost wages”. Safe to say he won’t be too worried about that any more. He will be at over a million within a day or so.

This is what is on the Go Fund Me page.

All funds raised on this GoFundMe will be put into a trust dedicated to covering Pete’s hefty – and growing – legal costs and his lost income.

I don’t know, but you can see them if you go to the website to donate. It’s possible there are none, but of course donators know that up front.

What a country!

Yep, I’m sure he, McCabe, and others who have ca$hed in love the 1 A and capitalism. So do I actually, even though I find it amazing people would willingly give money to such people, simply because they hate Trump.

Anyway, because the page mentions raising money for “lost income” I’m quite sure he’s in the clear.

He’s maybe looking over websites right now that have ocean front properties for sale.

Have you tried the mailroom Carol? Pepe Silvia

Yes, I support capitalism even though it often makes me shake my head in wonder (and awe and disgust) at my fellow human.

I’m sure some people genuinely feel that he’s been wronged. He hates Trump, sure, but I have yet to see evidence that he acted inappropriately because of it. It was recommended that he be disciplined, and it’s pretty hard not to see political pressure behind his firing.

Yeah, it looks like he’ll get to keep any money donated. As I said, donators should know this up front.

It’s clear if they read the Go Fund Me page. I knew about this yesterday when reading about it, so no one should be surprised. And it does clear him to use the money for anything he wishes now.

The expression “laughing all the way to the bank” comes to mind.


I saved my George Zimmerman and Roy Moore money and just sent it to Strzok.


You feel it because deeep deeep down you know it’s true…just admit it and feel the peace. :relaxed:

Good for you. I didn’t know you were a Roy Moore supporter.

In a few months, he will be in prison and all those donators will feel foolish.

You must like linear thinking… where someone guides your thoughts and leads you to their conclusion.

That thread was a vehicle through which I said many things at once to many people. You should be honored to experience my posts. You can’t expect such a post to be
“A” exists. “A”=“B”. Therefore “B” exists.
Next time, just open your mind and experience the post. Stop trying to fight my posts. Eventually, my posts will become your thoughts. Enlightenment follows.

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In prison for what?

Liberals are very challenged when it comes to thinking outside their box. Very good comment Ishmael! Lay it out one point at a time.

You will soon see, young padawan.

Only around elections.

Well that’s good.