Surprisingly Strzok has already raised 30k for lost wages and legal fees. Who would support this cause?

He did not have protection from any part of our constitution to be part of any FBI “insurance” against a Trump win.

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:joy: :rofl:

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He also took zero actions that in anyway interfered with the election that happened. If you disagree and have proof I’d suggest writing your congressman.

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It is known that he did in fact take official action to advance his preferred candidate.

My congressman knows. If your solution is to not debate here because any meaningful solution will require congressional action, why do you come here? We are not a lobby whose decisions are sent to congressmen.

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Help a guy out… What official action did he take?

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Based on what I wrote, you’re making something up if you say he was.

You are just throwing ■■■■ against a wall to see what sticks. And it won’t.

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Might as well make the goal 1,000,000.00.

I wanted him fired, not prosecuted…At least not for anything we know at this time.


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I am not being dishonest. Nor am I pretending otherwise. There is no “for whom”.

Interesting…are there any taxes involved when you raise money like this?


Oh, I do so hope the room is blue.


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Mmm hmm, and what action was that?

This isn’t a debate. Making ■■■■ up for the sake of an argument isn’t a debate, its trolling.

As to why I am here, entertainment. People making themselves look fool hardy such as you often do, is somewhat entertaining.

Just like Mccabe, wont stop him from being criminally referred by the IG! Mr Huber will make a decision on Strzok and Mccabe at the conclusion of the final IG report.

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Not typically…

What exactly do you think they could prosecute him for?

NO liberals are all about finding ways to circumvent taxes and lobby for criminals like Mccabe and Strzok. Bet the CGI donated to the Strzok go fund me.

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Or open a business and discriminate against gay people.

Both are good for a GoFundMe page.

This guy just made what? 2.5x his former yearly salary in less than one day, all because he sent some texts stating his opinion.

If I could get half a million just by stating Donald Trump is a assclown :smiley:

No need to explain.

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