Source: Ayman al-Zawahri dead after US strike

Lol. Did you read the article? It’s from 2020 and is talking about someone else entirely

That’s all the triggers needed. Look at that programming execute! :wink:

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According to the NBC story, he was on a list the CIA had of people they were trying to find. The article says nothing about Trump taking him off of that list. The CIA simply didn’t find him then. Do you seriously think it was Biden’s contribution as a sleuth that finally found him?


Looks like Trump might have got him.

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Makes you wonder where we are flying those drones out of? Pakistan maybe?

Now might be the time to re-vist this thread.

My how the attitudes and responses have changed.


Double standards are a lib strong point.


Yep. Oh noes. Iran might be mad. Today…Iran says they can nuke NYC…we laugh at this.


Oh My indeed.

Overall, we rate Rumble Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda and conspiracy theories and false information, use of poor sources, and a lack of transparency.

Anyone can find an opinion they agree with on the internet.

People who seek the facts and the most reliable information, do not do that.

What happened to this will start a war between Iran and the US?

Oh yeah, we know why attitudes have changed. :wink:

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What will start a war? Iran bluffing about their capabilities?

In 1984, George Orwell described the totalitarian government’s ultimate demand of its subjects: The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

Ignore what you saw and heard Biden say, believe what you are told.

I do not live in the conspiracy world…

I prefer earth.

Enjoy your own personal reality.

We’re 2 months away from a red wave. :wink:


I’ll bet you still believe in “Russian Collusion.”

Am I right?

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You need to re-read the thread I posted. :rofl:

They dug up the Sulameini thread in some half ass attempt at a gotcha.

So in order to be consistent liberals should be showing concern about retaliation on our soldiers from Afghanistan? Didn’t we leave Afghanistan?


You’re going to have to explain how this “gotcha” is supposed to work.

Seriously. I’m not seeing the “A-ha” there.