Some historical context from opposition to MLK marches in 1964

Most mass murderers are white because white men are absent too. They are breeding whole flocks of useless attention whores led to believe their wants are rights.

And their mother, Karen, who runs over the weak assed husband like he isn’t even a speed bump.

That’s why.

Crime and poverty are almost universally linked. DOJ

One interesting point, is that poor whites and blacks almost had the same crime rate in poor neighborhoods, but poor Hispanics were drastically lower. Also I am going to go, I can’t keep on topic by Sneaky :slight_smile:

No they aren’t.

No it isn’t.

I don’t know how to respond, I linked you the DOJ report on it.

You’re right. It’s usually on MLK Day, third Monday in January.

With common sense. Think.

Does “lit” mean 2 or 3 posters?

You aren’t thinking. You hit correlation and stopped questioning. Fight the bias! Fight through it!

I am not here to teach you. These are my beliefs right now but I keep an open mind. If you have statistics and your own belief on what is happening, I am more than willing to listen and take your arguments into consideration. Please attack my ideas and not me, and if you have counter arguments I would love to hear them. If my mind is changed, so be it. I am not here to change peoples mind, more discuss so we all come to a better understanding.

But I am here to teach you. I’m not attacking you.

Is your mind really open? Or is it only open to links? Do you understand correlation vs. causation? Culture vs. Race? Operating environments? Moving among the people as a fish swims in the sea? Culture and counterculture?

Why men rebel?

No I didn’t. Where did I advocate for rioting?

Unjust laws are just that and I side with King on that score. Authority my ass.

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He did. But he understood rioting. He understood it very well.
“Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years…”

A riot is the language of the unheard.

MLK personally didn’t support rioting but understood that riot will happen if black are not heard peacefully.

And they killed him anyway.

Right on! :fist:t3:

If you want to show a law to be bad, make them enforce it!

Attica! Attica!

Power to The People!

He killed him.

FBI would have killed him themselves if they were allowed.

Ok. Go with that.

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