So why no leaked calls to world leaders

Not sure about your math there. 30 Biden EOs so far, vs. 12 or 13 Trump EOs through the same time period.

No, I’m not. But I understand that it’s easier to fight straw men.

Since you’ve gone through the list, which ones do you find to be objectionable?

I know that you have this cute idea that if you leave off the pronoun, it’s not “making it personal”, but your post accused me of “justifying hypocrisy”. That sounds personal to me.

I don’t think it’s inappropriate to point out that you said the exact same thing a few years ago that you find so objectionable for me to say today.

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You literally have no room to gripe about EOs.

So far, Biden has signed more than 50 executive actions, 19 of which are direct reversals of Trump’s policies. Most of these actions have addressed the novel coronavirus, immigration and equity.

I’m sure CNN is acceptable for you?

And Trump signed 12?

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Same CNN link…I’m sure you will find this acceptable.

I’m a primary source kinda guy. I look at the Federal Register.

Yes. See above source.


While the numbers are incorrect (we’re talking about Executive Orders, not Executive Actions), I do want to point out that 38 is only twice as many EAs as Trump’s 19 - not eight times as many.

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Whatever…Biden the EO pres.

Yes, “whatever” indeed.

Have a nice evening.

Because he is Democrat and 93% of journalists are as well.

I will…have really really nice 18 oz prime rib to cook up.

Nope. The POTUS is the Chief Administrator and if you betray your loyalty to them, you are a traitor.

A summary of leaks that didn’t occur? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sounds delicious. Enjoy.

You do realize that much of the time, leaks are deliberate?

And have full blessing from the administration from which they are leaked.

People do not swear allegiance to the President in this country.

I tried pointing that out. No effect.

That, too.

Of course I realize that. That’s what makes them traitors.

You are right, there is no oath of loyalty. But that does not mean that the President does not expect 100% loyalty and confidentiality from each and every person who works in the White House. Anyone who leaks inside confidential information has betrayed that trust and is, by definition, a traitor to the President and the Administration.