If you hate the USA so much, you are free to leave

You don’t think our government is infested with corrupt politicians?

Cronyism. That’s when a President or other politician gets elected to office, and then appoints his friends or relatives who have no qualifications to head important government offices or become ambassadors to other countries.

So that would include Biden’s son, as well as all of Trump’s family.

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He’s issued more executive orders than Obama.

He’s betrayed our Kurdish allies and is responsible for all the deaths that happened when Turkey invaded as any idiot would know they’d do.

He’s gotten us involved in a stupid trade war that has cost us billions and will continue to do so.

He’s ripped apart national parks and is selling that land to the highest bidder.

He’s turned our soldiers into mercenaries, going from getting us out of a forever war to sending our soldiers to Saudi for pay - a country that is not our friend.

And so on and on and on


He’d intended to do more at one point…then the NRA contacted him and all of a sudden his plans on that score changed, real quick.

Nope, we’re going to change this country. Don’t like it leave.


Guess you’ve never seen a Trump rally. :joy:

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How many of them were to undo Obama’s executive orders?

What the ■■■■ does that have to do with our Constitution?

That’s his job under our Constitution.

Did he? Which national parks? Or did he undo Obama EO?

Seems to me someone needs to read up on role of executive branch and our Constitution.

You didn’t leave when Obama was in power for 8 years. Why should anyone?


The Constitution is the law of the land. It takes 2/3 of the legislature or a Constitutional Convention that most states must agree to. Perhaps if you don’t want to follow the law, you should show yourself the door- metaphorical door.

No he’s not.

Irony is ironical.

Donald Trump* is far and away one of the most authoritarian politicians in office in a generation. Those who have read the evidence and briefs submitted by his legal team to the Judiciary are very much aware of this fact.

Knowledge is power. It’s hard to take any Trump* supporter seriously when they complain about authoritarianism.

*3rd Impeached President of the United States


This must be a joke. :rofl:

I couldn’t leave. I was a minor, and getting a passport would have been difficult.

Maybe you should understand where the person is coming from and their circumstances before you make such rash arguments.

And frankly if Obummer was still President I would find a way to study abroad, and live out of the country temporarily. Does that answer your question?

I was about to say that myself.

I think that’s the question that perhaps they’re capable of understanding.

Yes, he is.

Pot, kettle, black?


I don’t disagree with you, depending.

In the case of corrupt politicians, I agree. You have every right to change yours.

If you are talking about “fundamentally transforming” then I have a problem with that.

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No, he’s not.

Can you expound on why?

I’m pretty sure you had more freedom than I to move at that time, considering you were an adult?

Heck if money was an issue, I remember Hannity saying he would pay for the passport/airfare.

actually it costs 2350 to renounce your citizenship. and if you make more than 150k or so a yer you have to pay an exit tax as if you sold all your assets ont he day you renounce.

and if you dont under US law you are on the hook for taxes on any inocme you have anywhere in the world.

a couple years ago the IRS tried to hit up the PM of the UK for taxes on a condo he sold in the UK since he was technically a us citizen,having been born here and never renounced it. he left the US when he was 5