So why no leaked calls to world leaders

A summary of leaks that didn’t occur? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sounds delicious. Enjoy.

You do realize that much of the time, leaks are deliberate?

And have full blessing from the administration from which they are leaked.

People do not swear allegiance to the President in this country.

I tried pointing that out. No effect.

That, too.

Of course I realize that. That’s what makes them traitors.

You are right, there is no oath of loyalty. But that does not mean that the President does not expect 100% loyalty and confidentiality from each and every person who works in the White House. Anyone who leaks inside confidential information has betrayed that trust and is, by definition, a traitor to the President and the Administration.

That makes zero sense.

Leaks are part of the way the White House gets its message out.

Bloody hell did. :wink:

Then who does that work? Lobbyists?

That has worked so well since Newt pulled that crap in the 90’s.

Then why the hell are you posting about it?

Do you read every post here?
If not, how can you make that statement?

If so, damn!

How would a Trumpster know what conservatism is?


Most journalists are professionals, and do a good job, both left and right leaning.

Note, i am referring to people with journalism degrees, working in the field of journalism,

Not pundits with little or no credentials, and only offer an opinion.

To the victors belongs the spoils…


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Actually he is.

because biden follows instructions only coloring between the lines

they do however swear to keep secret those things he deems secret

Yep…he came into office very naive which became most apparent in his choices of those he surrounded himself by.

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