So why no leaked calls to world leaders

Actually…until I believe in the process that placed him there, he isn’t and that’s my choice. The election had too many questionable aspects that were intentionally denied due process. Those choices blocking the actual investigations of it, solidified my belief that the election was fraudulent and no, Biden is not my President. Libs own the next four years.

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No, sorry, conservatives have no desire to keep the current status quo.

That never gets old, does it? :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

If you are a United States citizen, Biden is your president.

It’s like some citizens don’t want to face that reality.


There are two aspects, legal and in spirit and both are very important.

Legally biden is president

Spiritually biden is president.

Biden is president.

There is only one leader and the POTUS is Biden.


He’s your’s but in spirit, I have no loyalty to him, only to my country. This means that if poo-poo hits the fan, I’m in but until then… ■■■■ Biden and all those that participated in this stolen election.

Aka being sore loser. It will get better over time for you.

And you will come to love President Biden.


i have no doubt you actually believe this crap.

That’s why you’re not conservatives. You’re right wing Jacobins. Conservatives are literally called that because they want to conserve the existing social order.

Lol being a revolutionary is the literal opposite of being a conservative politically.

Bam. So now ask me if I agree with Biden’s EO allowing males that feeeel like they have a vagina, to compete with women in sports?

You don’t get to pick and choose. You want to nuke most of the existing social order, except where gay and trans people are concerned.

Why did you just add hate, into something that simply desired to preserve the social order. I don’t hate anybody but it’s is blatantly wrong to allow a male to compete against a female, that absolutely destroys all of the work they put into the sport they excelled in?

Can’t have it both ways, do conservatives want to preserve the current status quo or to upend it?

Did you read this wrong? Because that’s not what I said.

No. He is the President. He is only my President if I so choose.

Then you have no legs to stand on complaining about them, openly admitting that you haven’t a stinking clue what they are doing.

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Then America is not your country

Does that mean I don’t have to pay taxes anymore? :sunglasses: