Should trump get a SCOTUS pick before Nov?

Which is exactly why they’re so desperate to win back the Senate.

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You voted out of sense of revenge, and thinking you were super cool and unique in the attitude. In reality you were completely pedestrian and tedious, and no different than millions of other Trump sycophants.

The equivalent of a toddler who smears his poo on the wall and thinks he’s Jackson Pollock while doing it.


When did that happen?

Sure did.

Do you honestly believe status quo for 4 years would have been worse than this dumpster fire?

See that’s the problem. This isn’t a ■■■■■■■ game but dumbasses think it is and then all that matters is their trusted idea of, “winning”. Or, more often, it’s just reveling in the other side losing.

It’s unamerican and unproductive.


That narrow thinking is why you’re sucking up my exhaust fumes.

Realignment will take place, it’s unfolding as we speak but yet you’re hatred won’t allow you to see what is happening here.

, but don’t tell anyone I said that. And I won’t be saying it again.


A slim 5-4 edge on the court isn’t going to lead to any complacency. Maybe if it was 6-3.

You’re smarter then this ThrowCop. Lot smarter.

You of all people should be able to see the larger picture that’s being played out.

Really? The best example - Robert Bork, 1987 which led to Kennedy.

Karma, perhaps?

Absolutely. And it wouldn’t have been the status quo. She is malevolent. She would have us in a shooting war by now to prove she is as tough as the boys. She is everything Trump is but better at it. And you know it. The only difference is she plays the game.

Who decided Clinton was your candidate? You or were you led around by the nose?


Who did you vote for?

I didn’t. I refuse to vote for either evil.

Not even third party?

No. They are all governing without my consent.

We’re talking about what McConnell did.

Realignment is happening. Whether you guys can accept it or not isn’t my problem.

You revel in trolling what you perceive as liberals. It makes you feel superior. It’s the same crap liberals do when they claim conservatives are less worthy.

It’s hurting our nation and I’m sick to death of it. Most of us want the same basic good. We just disagree on the method to achieve it.

I’m a conservative but I don’t feel the need to hate liberals. You do. Why?


What are you plans then? Be it Donald or Clinton, you are subject to their rule. Refusing to participate in the process is tacit approval of the outcome.

What 3rd Party? Who was acceptable out of any of them?

After Cruz bowed to Trump, he became unacceptable too.

My vote means something to me, I don’t give it lightly.

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Why? It isn’t something Democrats can currently do.