Should trump get a SCOTUS pick before Nov?

You hate. And yes, it IS a problem, but only for you.

Well then thatā€™s your problem now isnā€™t it?

I do agree that Cruz cut his own manhood off in bowing to Donald. Never would have voted for him before that, true, but heā€™s even less appealing now.

No it isnā€™t. Not at all. It is disapproval.

ā€œSubject to their ruleā€? Perhaps, to a point. Obama didnā€™t force obamacare on me, the SCOTUS did. Goresuch is a better pick for me than Garland, I believe. But that in no way means I have or would ever vote for Trump.

Clinton probably wouldnā€™t be putting on tariffs. Iā€™m going to vote for her.

I am watching policies. Taking it as a whole. All three branches.

Oh BooHoo.

Either way libs must never and I mean never again regain power.

Next time we wonā€™t be so lucky.

They are free to do and believe as they choose. I see it differently. I will not vote for someone I find unacceptable.

Weā€™ll, no. Itā€™s really not my problem at all.

And while watching policies, you didnā€™t see enough distinction in any of the 2016 candidates to warrant making a choice?

No the question you responded to was about Dems, not McConnell. Do try to keep up.

He would have been a good President I think. And I think I understand why he did it. He doesnā€™t get my vote.

I donā€™t think people realize just how close we came to losing our Republic.

We should never allowed bureaucracy to gain so much power as we did.

Of course. I was glad he beat her. But heā€™s a pig. Heā€™s doesnā€™t deserve my vote.

Trump isnā€™t going to reduce it.

Is Donald a pig personally, a pig because of policy, or both?

He canā€™t see it. Or wonā€™t.

Then donā€™t let be get to youā€¦youā€™re lot smarter then most people, hell maybe the smartest one on this board.

I have my reasons.

Funny thing is, if he had punched Trump heā€™d probably be POTUS right now.

And yet you cheer on a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  who doesnā€™t give a rats about the Republic.

But the first step has been taken.

Awareness. :wink:

Jeff Flake