Rev. Robert Jeffress Defends Trump Amid Tape Chaos: We Also Supported ‘Known Womanizer’ Ronald Reagan

You seem to be afraid of something inside of you.

Most fathers wouldn’t hesitate calling their daughters beautiful. But you and @CaughtInTheMiddle ? Weird.

Trying to imply that I’m some sort of closeted incestuous pervert as a defense, I see.

I’m gonna assume that you meant to say “wouldn’t hesitate”. I never said anything about the man saying his daughter was beautiful. If he had stopped there, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

That you can’t see the difference between the sentiment I proposed in my post and what Donald Trump said is pretty ■■■■■■■ astounding.

I didnt say you actually do such things. God forbid. But you two seem to be afraid that maybe you would … like on a "father- daughter " date.

I’m done with this discussion. You guys are creepy.

Thanks. I enjoyed that.

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I like the music, regardless. Just in case you are wondering

By the way, Michael Reagan is very angry about this, and I don’t blame him one bit.

Wait, you’re Peter from the sales department?

“You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”

I’ll never forget where I was when I heard the tape of Reagan talking about grabbing women by the ■■■■■■

Oh, that’s right - we don’t have any record of that kind of perversion from Reagan. He was a classy guy. Yes, he had been married twice, but he was much more respectful of women.

As far as those churches who chose to drop their morality and throw their support behind Trump - all I will say is that I choose to distance myself from such hypocrites in lieu of churches who remain consistent in their morality.

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They tried to teach sexual perversions to children. My daughter was 10 when Obama was elected…I don’t remember her having to study for any sexual perversion tests from school. What what you talkin bout Willis?

incidentally, your inside knowledge of Trumps inner man…are astonishing. Were did you learn so much about his inner psyche?

  1. They were secret Deep State Public School classes.
  2. Fox News
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CMI was upset that Obama identified “the gheys” as being…actual people who get the same rights as everyone else.

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That means nothing. He said IF…and we all know that there are many different meanings for the word if> According to one of our former presidents.

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Did this turn another thread onto the subject of the gays?

Holy ■■■■■ he is obsessed.

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someone has a case of the Haggard

This by the way Ish…scare the living hell out of me. I ask where you get your inside knowledge of Trump and you post his astrological chart. Holy ■■■■■ That’s weird. Are you saying that because he’s a Gemini he acts the way he acts?

:joy: :rofl:

Ummmm… no. His sun has little to do with it.

You have to examine the whole chart.

He mainly sees sex as a conquest and evidence of status. He’s actually pretty honorable with his family… although his secret sex affairs are evident in the chart. So he must weigh his various values and apparently has at times chosen to build his sense of importance and status while risking his relationship with his wife. He sees his romances as friends. He is self centered… which is not a bad trait if his personal goals are consistent with his higher calling to lead the nation. He is aggressive and unpredictable but has a heightened sense of intuition. He relies on himself for answers that pertain to money. He is not hiding as much as libs think. He’s pretty much a wysiwyg guy although very very deep he has some connection with the collective on issues that relate to life and death. The drive for his personal energy is also in touch with the collective. No doubt that causes some conflict with his ego.

I see nothing that points to sex with family members like his daughter.