Trump and Puty Sitting in Helsinki - Dictator Summit Extravaganza

Former RNC head but lifelong lib.

yes yes, we know how it goes with you trumpers. anyone speaking out against Dear Leader was always a lifelong lib. no exceptions.

guess what that’s called?

this will fall through the gaps after today

The circumstances of retired Army Colonel Richard Hooker’s departure from the National Security Council on June 29 are in dispute. It’s not clear whether Hooker was forced out or if his detail on the NSC came to its natural end. But what’s not in doubt is that for the past 15 months, Hooker was senior director for Russia, Europe and NATO.

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Do tell.

well i guess not all of the media is fake news

My bidding manager- “I think if I stare at this federal list long enough an order for a gallows is going to come up”

“Ha”- me

“Well when it does, you wanna win that one right?”


Oh the NRA you say?

Yet another piece that comports with Mueller looking hard at where all that inauguration money went.

Et tu, Newt?


Wow, even Newt? Now that really is surprising.

Going to check to see if pigs are flying outside my living room window.

Why Newt should Trump be given the opportunity? He flat out said what he meant to say in front of the world to see…

A lot can change in 8 hours :laughing:.


Oh, Newtie, you stupid hog, there is no clarifying or fixing this. He stood right there next to Pupu and flat out said what he meant.

Yeah i’m not sure “clarifying” Trumps position is going to help any. He’s been pretty clear multiple times that he doesn’t trust his own intel agencies over Putin.

too little too late you enabling pandering wanker


A lot can change in 10 minutes, depending on what the orange maniac has tweeted or said last.

Still, coming from Newt that is quite amazing. He’s been one of the maniac’s biggest fan boys.

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Must be corrected—immediately.

Orrrrrr…what exactly, Newt?

A cult of personality

Trumpy ain’t gonna start WWIII with old TRANSMIT TO VLADIMIR jes to make our borgheaded blockhead #resistoid pals on the left happy. Sorry Charlie.

And even if he did they’d still bellyache. (Making rude mouth noises)

I’m sure Newt will be on Hannity tonight clarifying for the president…

more commonly called as a submissive ■■■■