Trump and Puty Sitting in Helsinki - Dictator Summit Extravaganza

We haven’t even discussed Trump’s sycophantic response to Putin’s troll-offer, which included sending Russian intelligence/law enforcement officials to the US for Bill Browder. Total disingenuous troll move. Trump: “He offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the 12 people. I think that’s an incredible offer.” Incredible. Terrific. Very amazing.


Boy that was something, huh? What a fighter.

i saw that …but of course he is the great dealmaker so he knows a good deal when he sees one

Russia’s interests conflict with our in a few places in the world. Overall… they are just competitors in a contact sport.

The illegals at our southern gates are a more serious problem.

Leaked video of closed door meeting…

I agree with you 100%. As a long recovering rightwinger, I used to think there was some lofty principled constituency of conservatives. There isn’t: even the David Brookses and George Wills have (deliberately or not) simply been running cover for these ■■■■■■■■ for decades now and lending bogus legitimacy to the GOP.

Trump is at the very heart of what the American rightwing base has always been. This is who the GOP is when they think no one is looking. It’s just more in plain sight now.


this will not look well in the history books for our host


Honestly at this point there is really nothing Trump can do. They could get it on video that he colluded directly with Russian hackers and they’d say it was worth it to get the Supreme Court.

Is there another pee tape?

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What do you know about body language? You’re no dentist.


Soldiers that have died while serving are spinning in their graves right now…unbelievable.

Or to piss off Libarlz!!

Remember that “Libertarian Moment” like two or three years ago? LOL.

Might want to delete this post.

Careful bud

It’s funny how there was a moment where I dabbled in Libertarianism (20 years ago or so). Nowadays it’s basically like the puberty of an eventual descent into alt-right / incel / Alex Jones territory.

Who could ever forget?

That’s when Rand Paul was the new Ian McKaye and going without health insurance was the new punk rock!

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Don’t you dare!