Trump and Puty Sitting in Helsinki - Dictator Summit Extravaganza

that is what the knee pads and lotion were for

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The loons at Trumpbart are acting exactly as I expected. It is John McCain who is the traitor to them, not Dear Leader.

Coates, maybe. Or Kelly.

Wouldn’t hold your breath though.

I think a lot of former collusion skeptics are beginning to wonder what Putin could have on Trump after that disaster.

Lemme give you a hint, it’s all Trump’s biggest fans now.

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Not afraid to fight unless he meets a brutal dictator whose interests conflict with ours and then he’s got nothing offer but embarrassingly effusive praise.

Yes, he definitely is. No other way around it. He would have been far, FAR better off to say absolutely nothing. Instead he comes across as a Stepford husband.

Hey, at least they have the excuse of actual real world consequences to their actions. What’s everyone else’s excuse?

I think they are a lost cause at this point. Though I have disagreed with him politically in the past, I still have a ton of respect for him. He has more heroism in his pinky than Trump could ever hope to achieve at this point.

most definitely. i curse the day we changed forums or we can’t access all of those beautiful bookmarked posts

Pence is an opportunist and a sycophant and he’s neck deep in this crap. Toss all the bums out. Before today I would have agreed with you that at a minimum he would offer more stability than Trump, but that is over.

Well Kelly’s departure has been rumored for weeks now, even months. So if he does quit this week it won’t have nearly the same impact as if Dan Coates or someone else resigns instead (or in addition to)

Eeeeewwwwww :joy:

Pence has got larger worries like what his good pal Paul Manafort is gonna say about him if he switches sides.

in all seriousness i wonder how long before we are legally allowed to find out what was said by the translators.

I’d say not until Trump is out of office. Whatever means that may come by.

Some of it is around if you poke at I’ve found some funny stuff there, but not sure linking to it or capping it would be ok with mods. I assume not.

Absolutely. And to call a man who was tortured as a POW for years a traitor is simply beyond the pale. McCain’s critics can attack his political record all they like as it is fair game to so do.

But to call a military hero a traitor is absolute insanity, especially considering who they support instead.

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Ed Royce (R) has a statement on things.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ I remember most of it. It’s my curse.

I know. I’m partly just giving you ■■■■■ :smiley:

But I do think it’s something of a mistake to view Trump as a complete break from the conservative movement and Republican party. Nixon had Vietnam and Reagan had Iran Contra while conservative media and politicians smeared Democrats continually as communist traitors. Even today Republicans have been incredibly happy to smear Mueller and run cover for the GRU, they just don’t like Trump being so embarrassingly blatant about the whole thing.