Pro life doesnt care about kids after the moment of birth

Its not, and by making this agrument your lesssing the seriousness of the term genocide which is a real thing that is happening right now in the world.

US Code # 19. Genocide (18 U.S.C. 1091)

Genocide is defined in § 1091 and includes violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is Federal jurisdiction if the offense is committed within the United States. There is also Federal extraterritorial jurisdiction when the offender is a national of the United States.

In short … no it isn’t. Abortions don’t target any of the categories above. The fact one of those groups happens to make up a larger portion of said abortions is a function of circumstance not a purposeful action.

There isn’t a cadre of abortion doctors that got together and said, hey lets kill a bunch of black babies. They provide services to whatever manner of patient comes to see them within the parameters of the law in their jurisdiction.

The exact point I made by pointing out that abortions performed legally and categorized as abortion do the same thing.


One of the most progressive administration on abortion would be somewhere like NYC. NYC policy is the cliff the DNC lemmings are running towards. There the abortion rate among black women in 2013 was 60%.

Of course, if you wait until they are born alive, “keep them comfortable” while contracts are arranged between the health providers and the transplant surgeons for their organs, and then remove the organs and finally withdraw life support, they become one more infant mortality stat and one less abortion stat.

And disproportionally they are black babies. Interesting that the party that started the KKK is the party that fights tooth and nail to keep the abortion mill running so strong for black infanticide.

Is that just a random coincidence?

Or is the abortion industry marketing more to African Americans simply because African Americans no longer serve a purpose for liberals? And like in Margaret Sanger’s projects that targeted black Americans through negative eugenics, the new abortion industry is a well crafted and LEGAL way to get rid of - as Ruth Bader Ginsburg called them- “populations we don’t want to have too many of”.

The new darlings of the left are the gay and the Hispanics. The old darlings- African Americans - have not obeyed the liberal leadership in welcoming the new darlings.

African Americans in general tend to have more homophobic beliefs than the rest of the country. More black Americans support the idea that queer people should be condemned, or that AIDS is an acceptable punishment for gay people.


So now they seem to be the main targets of abortion… being told over and over by liberal activists that abortion is good for them, a veritable RIGHT for them.

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Doctors of genocide have moved from lampshades to more lucrative products and markets.

And as we have heard: “it’s legal … so its OK.”

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That’s funny. The aim of Margaret Sanger, who set up the first abortion clinics in black areas was to exterminate the blacks. That’s today considered genocide. The left is working hard to remove any memory of and institutions established by conservative historical figures who were complicit in policies that the left considers immoral today, ironically striving to imposing their morality on everyone, something they berate religious people for allegedly doing. Here we have a woman who was in the business of ethnic cleansing being regarded as a leftist saint, and her institutions are being defended to continue her diabolical agenda, and extend it to all whom the SETI’s, the technocrats who do not need all these resource-consuming people to produce enough for SETI comfort, consider parasites.

You do realize that Sanger was opposed to abortion?

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Oh yes… everyone is opposed to abortion, doncha know. It should be safe, legal, and rare. Right?

How many millions have died since those words were crafted. And how many women have lost their minds after being convinced to have an abortion? Well … it’s legal so getting one out of three ain’t bad.

Right over the head … next.

Margaret Sanger was no different than any other abortionist. “Oh… if there were only some other way” .

Yeah… over my head! I have her books. I’ve read them.

The Dems always hide behind that.

Slaves are not people, well maybe only partially. It was the law in the Dem south.
Certain people are inferior, we can reduce their influence via Dem Eugenics, the Dem Klan loved that one.

Murder is derived from a moral term. Check the 10 commandments. Premeditated killing of a human is murder. It is a concept, as noted in the Declaration.

Any proof for that? The woman who started up abortion clinics was against abortion. Well, I guess that makes sense to the left.

LOL please. If you did you would know Sanger said the killing of babies was barbaric and never advocated for them.

It’s very clear to me you have no idea about what you are talking about when it comes to Sanger. As it is the organization that is PP today is not what it was founded as by Sanger herself and it wasn’t then certainly and is not to this day a purveyor of genocide as purported by the poster who lead to this line of responses.

“I’ve read them” :rofl:

Ughh well she straight up said it for one. For two, she didn’t start up any abortion clinics. Planned parenthood was started to advocate and assist with prevention of pregnancy not termination. They didn’t provide their first abortion until the early 1970s. Sanger was dead far before that, and LONG dead before she had any influence on what the organization did prior to that point.

Now I’m sure you may try to come back with something along the lines of they were doing unofficial abortions before then, to which I would counter … prove it.

Geez, how the hell does one speak on something without even doing at least some remedial research on a topic. #BeBetter.

You’re correct. It should be made cheaper.

But since Democrat Politicians enjoy murdering innocent babies, that won’t probably happen any time soon. That way the rest of them, the liberal media, and their followers, can whine about something that doesn’t make any logical sense, or moral sense for that matter.

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Wait, you think it is Democrats who have put up barriers to adoption? :see_no_evil:

Only for people who have reading comprehension issues, perhaps.

Or perhaps there’s another reason…

No…the “pitch” is the word “murder” has a definition which includes the word “unlawful”.

It’s Democrats’ fault adoptions are expensive?

You have some data on that?