Did hillary clinton Accept An award Named After a racist Black Baby Killing Enthusiast?

You have any direct quotes? You know she has been praised by various black leaders, including MLK right?

Which has to do with Sanger how? You know she was against abortion right?

based on…,what?

I’ll happily correct myself. “Black Children”.

No she wasn’t.

I cant even mention the name of her program here because it uses a name that would likely be blocked. She targeted black people


Heard it before.

Lets take the two “racist” quotes from the article.

We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Not racist. She feared that her birth control clinics would be attacked as trying to exterminate the Black population.

“Evidences of biological and racial degeneracy are apparent to this observer. ‘Compared with the African negro,’ she writes, ‘the British sub-man is in several respects markedly inferior. He tends to be dull; he is usually quite helpless and unhandy; he has, as a rule, no skill or knowledge of handicraft, or indeed knowledge of any kind… Over-population is a phenomenon connected with the survival of the unfit, and it is mechanism which has created conditions favorable to the survival of the unfit and the elimination of the fit.’"

That’s a serious lack of reading comprehension there. She literally just said the “African Negro” is superior to the British. How is calling Africans better than the British, fare with peoples erroneous belief that she though Blacks were inferior.

She was a eugenicist who believed in the removal of the unfit, Black, white, it didn’t matter what race.

Heres some quotes.

Ill repeat one here.

From “Birth Control and Racial Betterment” (1919): “Before eugenists and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods.”

That works. I was actually worried you thought there were only 11 million African Americans in the US. A lot of the time people believe things that aren’t actually true.

The same excuses used by Hitler in the 30’s.

You really need to try harder.

You’re gonna have to take it up with planned genocide. Their spokesperson is saying things other than what you’re saying:

"Theremoval of Margaret Sanger’s name from our building is both a necessary and overdue step to reckon with our legacy and acknowledge Planned Parenthood’s contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color,” said Karen Seltzer, PPGNY board chair, in a statement.

“Margaret Sanger’s concerns and advocacy for reproductive health have been clearly documented, but so too has her racist legacy,” she added. “There is overwhelming evidence for Sanger’s deep belief in eugenic ideology, which runs completely counter to our values at PPGNY.”

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Trying to detach the racism from Eugenics in that era is like trying to wash the stink off of a skunk.

You may fool the people again and again but the stench always comes back.

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Then you read this from her autobiography?

To each group we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way — no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way — it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not yet begun.

Except there is zero evidence to show she believed in racial eugenics. Zero evidence that she believed in the superiority of the white race. Zero evidence to show her attacking blacks, or calling them inferior.

She called them “human weeds”.

You should take your evidence and present it to planned parenthood facility in NY that has acknowledged her racist negative eugenics. If her project named after the race she was aiming her negative eugenics at is not “systemic racism” nothing is.

Time to stop the pretending.

Zero? Then why did she address the women of the KKK?


She was a eugenicist, everyone who was unfit was a “human weed” regardless of race. White or Black.

Providing contraceptives isn’t “negative eugenics”

To give a lecture on birth control and contraceptives.

I’ve already commented on this lecture.

Right, not even PP belies this line of bull ■■■■ you’re peddling.

Then why did she single out black people in her (Hannity forbidden word ) Project. She named a negative eugenics program after the black race.
It was systemic racism.

Why are you trying to hide that?