Pro life doesnt care about kids after the moment of birth

That’s not what the OPer has said at all.

But you knew that already.

So you have not heard of the liberal law that allows the killing to take place after birth? Seriously?

He emphasized the statistics that would lead to that conclusion. More abortions lead to fewer living infants that could be counted in an infant mortality stat.

Of course I’ve heard about. I’ve also read the mischaracterization and outright falsehoods about it that have spread like wildfire by those that are ignorant enough to not find out the truth. Which includes the very same myth you have posted here which allows an abortion after birth.

The Holocaust was lawful. Hitler was the law in all of his conquered territories.
I take it that you support it.
lawful…lawful…lawful repeat it 100x til you get what it means.


Unethical? Why is it not murder, per your definition?

So you are saying it’s not true. No intentional death or refusal of medical care to the infant after live birth… no exceptions. Is that what you are saying?

You are mistaken. I live in NY. The law allows a doctor to intentionally cause death to newborn infants by the removal or denial of any lifesaving actions or life support. That would include letting them suffocate or bleed to death. This is what you people support?

The law in German when Hitler was in power isn’t the law we have here. And you won’t ever find my supporting a law that allows born humans to be killed, and as it turns out, round these parts there actually aren’t any … well unless you count the death penalty which coincidentally I am fully against, a fact of which isn’t all that true in a lot of people who claim to be pro-life.

I’ll wait till you stop editing your post before I make a response. Lets start there.

That’s irrelevant.
Your pitch was that abortion is lawful, therefore you support it.
So was the Holocaust.
You support the lawful killing of human beings still in the womb.
Why not after they are born?

It’s not irrelevant. I included the legal definition of murder in the U.S, NOT Germany circa 1940’s.
I support abortion rights as it relates to OUR current legal laws and at present, abortion where it is legal and under the circumstances it is legal is not murder. Not hard to understand.

But since you mentioned it if Hitler was pregnant in 1942 and decided he wanted to get an abortion I’d support that. Him killing living breathing humans who had no medical impact on him, nah.

Keyword is “unlawful” Murder is a legal term.

Murder is a legal term it has everything to do with law.

that is why if you shoot someone breaking into your house its not murder.

Nope the pitch is that since it’s lawful it’s not murder and that’s it.

only if that newborn infant was born with a terminal illness in which they will die.

Hitler was the law, which is why majority of German people supported his policies and action. the holocaust according to German law was legal many people supported that, many others didn’t and were shoot in the streets.

Abortion and genocide are not similar topics of moral debate.

Your definition works for you because it’s your opinion. Here on the outside it looks pretty arbitrary.

There are about 600,000 abortions in the U.S. each year. That is a genocide.

Also the reason why we generally label military servicemen and women who fight in combat and wars for our freedom heros and not murderers.