Mark Burnett told me that I don’t use the N Word

I’ve never called out someone with that word.

I can see why you have white guilt. I never heard my grandparents say it. Never. Not once.

Not really carefully worded. I’ve used it during discussions about race as I mentioned. I’ve never called or referred to someone as it. Pretty straightforward.

Weak as expected… here is a tip dont call people out if you cant stand on your own two feet when checked

Then why do you say it?

I did not say I did.

Why do you say it?

Whoa… what irony. You need to send your post to those calling out others who use the n word.

BTW… you and @CaughtInTheMiddle would make a great couple. Your avatars are clearly compatible.

i see that debating tactic, when the subject is the N word, a lot. who made that a popular thing? Rush?

It’s in your DNA. Sorry about that, dude.

we are a great couple. we’re sane.

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Guntsu and caughtinTheMiddle sitting in a tree


Ishmael can’t answer his own question.

Despite his non-answer, of course, we all know the answer.

He still can’t tap tap tap those three letters and hit reply.

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he should at least buy me a pizza via bitcoin.


Of which two? I swore off Fox News the minute they went all in for Trump.

Cant answer a simple question…lol

All bark and bluster but when checked you skulk away…typical Trumpkin

Honestly when losing the argument they always start talking about grammar and avatars.

Thats a lie.

Well you can say that now, because someone deleted it. Wonder why that is?