March 4th, 2021

Credit where credit is due. Respect

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I’ll feel safer when Republicans and other terrorists are removed from the military and replaced with loyal Biden supporters.

Why do you assume that all white supremacists are Republicans?

Where are these neighborhoods burned to the ground?

LOL so that’s it now. Q is made up by the left to make right look bad.

I shouldn’t be surprised coming from people supporting the overturning of elections and psychopathic authoritarian in the name freedom.

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If only there was evidence of Trump supporting posters on this board who believe Q is real. If only we could find a thread started by someone who definitely isn’t a liberal…

If only.


Polls are fake news. Most of us know that by now!

Maybe he is thinking Rosewood or Tulsa?

Cognitive dissonance is a real thing, and it is painful.

A lot of broad brush painting going on here. I don’t follow 4chan were these things come from to troll people.

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At first… probably.

Then it became something different. A tool for an Uber conspiracy. Something that simply gloms on to existing conspiracy theories.

Like the March 4 thing is a call back to the idea that the US is actually a corporation that is owned by the Bank of England. This is something that came out of the sovereign citizens movement a couple of decades ago.

I seriously no joke if it wasn’t for hanging on here some would probably never here of these theories. I have friends and family who are on all sides and I never here Q mentioned. It’s always about taxes, immigration, and the cost of living.

All I know these things come from the bowels of 4chan many with the intent on trolling. Not sure why anyone would pick it up and beat someone over the head with it that doesn’t bother with such things. Has anyone on this forum on the right mentioned supporting q or acts like it?

I would bet most would find they care about issues like taxes, migration and spending for a fiscal conservative like me or abortions and such for social conservatives. The other stuff is just silly like the 911 truthers it’s a waste of time.

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Q is not real… but it has had a negative impact on the GOP and there is proof on this board.

Well played.

I have been interested in conspiracy theories for quite a while so I pay more attention than most.

I did see Q stuff infecting the social media feeds of people that I grew up with or have known through other circumstances.

They were already generally primed for it by already being anti vaccine. It really got people believing in an alternate reality.

More than Pizzagate. I didn’t see that in any of my circles even though we all know it was floating out there.

I think that a literal cult that has risen up because of a leader is a pretty dangerous thing. I don’t care who that leader may be.

Some of the people that I know who were advocating Q stuff was all in on the US military taking over. That ideology is double plus ungood.

But it makes sense for a psy-op intel agent whose aim is to sow distrust of the outside of Q reports that paedophilia and human trafficking are being used by power-brokers to fund their operations and blackmail other lesser powerbrokers.

Or… and now here me out… the entire thing is a scam.

TBH, It seems a bit too elaborate for a mere techie to have contrived as a mere scam to gain advertisers.

gain advertisers? It was a scam to dupe the emotional and easily manipulated masses.

I agree.