March 4th, 2021

“Authorities will be on high alert Thursday over a QAnon conspiracy theory prediction, but according to experts chances of violence appear minimal compared to the deadly insurrection on January 6.

Some segments of the convoluted theory’s community have been claiming for months that former President Donald Trump will return to the White House on March 4, which was the date of presidential inaugurations up until 1933.

While belief that this Thursday would mark the triumphant return of QAnon’s figurehead had been building, some influential figures in the community have recently turned back on that prediction”

Donald trumps triumphant return tomorrow of all days.

Qs never been wrong before and can’t see it starting tomorrow at noon.

Who is with me.

Hail to the new president. Donald J Trump.


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Dude. Let’s start with what everyone can agree on. Each party has it’s share of crackpots. Republicans bury their crackpots. Democrats put theirs in charge of policy.

Ask yourself this:

Why is it only republicans who have come out against book banning and canceling Dr. Seuss?

Answer: Because democrats support their crackpots. You should be embarrassed.

Man, you really needed to change the subject to cover for this.

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No they dont

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Dr Suess was a horrible human who cheated on his cancer striken wife. She subsequently committed suicide when she found out

Gosh I can’t wait until tomorrow! :wink:

Everyone can agree with this statement.

Crack meet pot when it comes to March 4th, 2021 prediction of trumps inauguration.


Has nothing to do with dr Seuss and everything to do with the current status of a faction of the Republican Party.


It’s fake news that a lot of conservatives wait to her from Q. In fact it seems just the opposite. It’s the left obsessed with Q. They are probably the ones giving “q” all the views. They are certainly the ones giving him all the publicity.

It’s a Smollet inversion. Kind of like white supremacist sites. I think the only one who goes to those sites are leftist looking for oppressors,since they can’t find ones in real life.

The supply of racism and leftist oppressors is way lower than the demand to be oppressed by leftists. That’s why they have to make it up and fake it.

Liberals are not the ones who believe that the democrats are running a pedo ring out of a pizza place in washington. And that Donald trump will be arresting hillary shortly for it.

That’s strictly a conservative thing.

You gots to take all the credit for q.

No libs need apply.


If libs gotta take credit for Waters.

Cons gotta take credit for Greene.

It’s only fair.


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Not new president, the one that has has and always will be.

wow democrats and media still milking the Q teat

trump lost. get over it

Let’s keep on topic. I know how much you prefer it that way.

Wait, you are really saying that Q and white supremacist sites are only kept going because the vast majority of people going to them are lefties who want to check them out?

That’s not what Chuck Schumer thinks. Besides two thirds of the democratic party are horrible human beings.

WATCH: Chuck Schumer Used ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ to Sell Obamacare (

They are kept going because we have not figured out how to eliminate all bad people. Until we do, we will just have to put up with crackpots. They are not in charge of anything so who cares.

Nobody is canceling Dr Seuss. They are pulling a few of his problematic books out of print. Even his family is in agreement.

All hail Q maybe I can get an autograph

Lol. Right wing threats make nancy cancel today’s house session.

Guess that’s a false flag operation by antifa.
