“Some segments of the convoluted theory’s community have been claiming for months that former President Donald Trump will return to the White House on March 4,…”
I have seen this reported but nobody seems to identify the people who are Qanon who are making this conspiracy theory prediction. In the interest of supporting that this isn’t made up nonsense, could you please track this down to specific people who are authorized Qanon representatives (whatever that is) who are making this.
And even if you buy that this has some valid source, the very article itself indicates that most people who pretend to know anything about Qanon say there is no credible indication of planned violence.
In other words, this is just more Democrats pretending to be the victims of imagined right wing terrorists.
I just watched an interview with Congresman Waltz…
He said there is no major influx into DC…hotel rooms and RV parks aren’t filling up…
Lefties would be doing the world a favor if they would stop trying to link 75 million good honest patriotic Americans to the stupid QAnon myth.
There are lunatics on both sides, (I swear it’s something the socialist Democrats made up just to scare diminish and demean conservatives)…
We live in a country right now where the people in charge are keeping schools closed because of the virus while virus positive illegals are racing to the southern border…where the administration’s first action was to eliminate thousands of jobs, where the price of gas has gone up significantly since Inauguration Day, where cancel culture has taken firm hold on the left (Dr Seuss, really?), and where the kook who lied about uniting the country says anyone who actually follows the science and gives its citizens control over their lives are Neanderthal thinkers, and with liberal leadership determined to pass a “Covid” relief bill with a whole 9% of nearly 2 trillion dollars actually has anything to do with Covid.
America has bigger problems than the handful of lunatics involved in Q whatever it is. When conservatives start putting their lunatics up for positions in government where they can advocate children being given drugs to prevent puberty so they can “present” their gender preferences …
I swear QAnon sounds more like the mythical bad guys in a spy spoof movie than anything real.
I m not sure I agree with you on that one my friend. Have you seen some of the idiots the Biden administration has tried to jam into highly placed positions?
Hey they’ve made up a bunch of racism where none exists…they lied about Trump and Russians…they lied about Kavanaugh’s treatment of women…they lied about the Covington Catholic kids…they were all in on Jussie Smolletts lies…That list is just a start.
I see no reason why I shouldn’t believe they wouldn’t happily make up some lunatic fringe group and then try to convince the world the entire right side of the aisle has bought into their made up collection of lunatics.
Perhaps an abundance of caution because of the events of Jan 6th are in their memory and they don’t want to get caught with their pants down yet again.
Yep. Meanwhile schools that should be open aren’t…people who shouldn’t be coming to the country are…Biden has offered some certifiable crazies to hold highly placed government positions…
Do you think all conservatives wait to hear from Q? That’s just more fake news. Don’t you ever get tired of falling for fake news ?
And nothing wrong with being against pedophiles or child slavery. Sad how much it increased under Obama with open borders. Just like he brought back slave markets to Libya. Because the swamp is full of MOrons.
It’s like a giant Smollett hoax. Nothing is happening. DC is all caged up with nothing to do… Just more fake news. The left is all ginned up on Q. Because they TV told them to be. It’s like they are all Sock puppet Joes…
A bunch Smollets wanting to be oppressed so bad they fake it…
4/8 chan/kun is not connected to Q posts. The “anons” there are neither Q nor Trump fans. Some small groups, Q fans post there but 4/8chan/kun is neither Q nor Trump.
Q had posted on these sites but did not come from the “anon” crowd of fruitcakes.