They have literally been conditioned to think the QAnon farce is something real.
I watched a few minutes of cnn, or maybe MessNbc they are both the same losers, the other day.
It was nothing but QAnon…they literally sounded like they were trying to make all of us who voted for Trump card carrying members. It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad.
“Some 56% of Republicans believe that QAnon, a far-right conspiracy theory, is mostly or partly true, according to a new Daily Kos/Civiqs poll released Wednesday, a remarkably high number considering many of the outlandish assertions espoused by QAnon supporters“
there is no Q. it is and always has been a hoax. From pizza basements to mass arrests at HW Bush’s funeral to Marshall Law declarations after the election… it’s all been a sham.
Ok…it’s a free country…at least the left hasn’t totally stolen our freedom yet. The poster above me is free to believe the sky is made of gold and that fish have legs for all I care.
QAnon is imho a big lie…leftists are trying to kill the concept as a way of connecting as many conservatives and 75 million Trump voters to the lie.
As usual leftists are both comical and stupid at the same time.
There might well be a tiny handful of idiots who could be linked to something Q like…330million people live here so there’s room for varying degrees of crackpots.
Tell you what…when q kooks spend an entire summer murdering people and burning down large chunks of several cities and do a few billion in damage I ll condemn them as fully as I did BLM and Antifa last summer. Until then I’ll take neither them seriously nor will I take anyone trying to peddle them as anything other than a joke
I was busy reading Dr. Seuss to kids for Read across America Day. Didn’t even get to check the news to see what a let down it was for libs not to have their little party.
I know libs like to broadbrush, but one more of you calls me a Q person, I will no longer be nice about it.
But, if y’all want to start equating every conservative/republican as being a Q person, better be ready to hike up the diaper and take the beating for doing so.