Life is Great in America, Wouldn't You Agree?

You see other people’s wild success as a pity party? You poor little hateful thing. There there. :hugs:

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Oh I have to overseas and provide for my wife … Blah blah blah… Ive done it didnt whine about it… Again your pity party seats one

Life has always been generally great in America. If you’ve got to pare it down to 10 years to pit party against party then this is no more than a self fellating partisan rant. But that’s all good. There’s no surprise in it.

You’re whining right now though. You’re gonna whine in your next post too. You have a projection issue, son. :wink:

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But did you ever find the mythical land of Mizzorah though?


Unfortunately, I have not… I could swear I was right on the border the other day though. The twang was so intense it was echoing off the hillside.

Hope all is and has been well in your woods, Tommy!

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Your childish games amuse me. You lob a salvo of insults then when people return fire you try to spin it. It’s fine I have 9 hours left at work for you to entertain me.

You and a few others try to get people banned or silence in some twisted game. I enjoy watching you and a few others try and bait people to personally attack you so you can flag their post.

So entertain me my good man… Make my workday go past a lil faster

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Not as amusing as the fact that you’ll come running back to me every time I give you attention. You cannot resist me. I control you at this point. :wink:

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Dont edit out my comment show the whole thing
8 hours and 57 mins left… Keep it going


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Well, ten years ago I had just been run over by a car and would spend the next fourteen months laid up so it’s not tough to beat but things are actually going pretty well. Manage food and beverage for a flagship hotel in a major international chain, just moved in with the girlfriend into the dopest house I’ve ever lived in in my life and we’re talking about getting married.


That badass, man. I’m sorry to hear about your injuries, but glad things are going well. Just had my third kid with my wife of 11 years myself. I can’t recommend it enough!

Are you still in the city? Your job sounds like you’re on the cusp of some sweet perks with travel pay.

Hes not wrong

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Still in the city but farther out in the kind of upper middle class neighborhood where people barely lock their doors lol. This is all pretty new to me.

And the nice thing about the hotel business for this particular company is that in basically any city in the world I can get a room for thirty or forty bucks a night.

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Wha?? Damnit, they finally got Tommy! :rofl:

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It’s interesting that the same people starting these threads were singing a different tune three years ago. And yet, many of the core metrics were basically the same (and some better and some worse). We’re in the same expansion now as we were then.

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Glad things are going well and that you’re still hanging around here. Many of the good ones have moved on.

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Actually, only one person started this thread, and he wasn’t around here 3 years ago. :wink:

Are things going really well for you too?

Guilty, but it was mostly because I’m dating waaaaay out of my socio-economic strata with my girl. Her family are hilariously stereotypical “emotions are for ethnic people” WASPs. And now I’m going bougie too lol.

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I had to come back because I’m afraid she’ll murder me in my sleep if I keep monologuing to her about politics lol.