Life is Great in America, Wouldn't You Agree?

Word. The only thing centgov can do to help the economy is interfere as little as possible.

Like what?

So maybe who is President isn’t such a big deal?

Tommy, you’ve really made my morning today. Thanks for that, and good fortunes to you and yours always.

If y’all will excuse me now, it’s almost 0830. Time to start rebuilding the well house. New well pump gets installed next week. :muscle:

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Unicorn farts cause global warming.

Why do you care? Internal locus of control.

This hasn’t been the first of these types of threads.

Things have been great for me. I graduated college and entered the workforce in 2008. This year or next, my income will have tripled in that time. I’m in my second home with my wife of 11 years and 3 children. It’ll be paid off before my oldest goes off to college.

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True, but is it better now. We’ve been at war for the past 20 years. I heard this morning there is a troop withdrawal pending from Afghanistan. Today is better than yesterday.


Good. It’s about a decade too late, but that is good news.

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Haha, I can relate all too well!

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HaHaHaHa, StAtIsTiCs.

I have a truly stunning ability to fail upwards. Plus the love of a good woman and all that. After a tough few years, I just got bored with being the mid level guy everyone listened to and decided to be the bawse like Rick Ross. What’s the military call that? Command presence?

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Yes. Thanks Obama

So wrong.

Yup. The economy is great now and sucked three years ago. I can’t figure out what the difference is.

No wonder you’re © so miserable.


Hope Trump’s stupid trade war ends soon?

There is the pesky little detail of Government regulations and Obama literally choked the life out of businesses and our capitalist system with his “boot on their necks” regulations that when Trump took office he simply reversed those regulations and that is what unleashed the economy. It’s called de-regulation.

When Government stays out of the free market (with minimal oversight and regulations) the economy soars but today’s Democrat Party is all about authoritarian Socialism so they are the enemy of a free market booming economy.