Liberal msnbc Contributor Fantasizes About Committing Terrorism at trump Property

No she did and you are sidestepping it slightly by saying the numbers were up. That how you are defending her.

See all that had to be said was " the numbers are up but the idea it’s a consequence is morally wrong".

But you didnt…so here we are…you could say it…but it doesnt matter now. The moment is gone. Reap what you sow.


Some little known pundit said what she said in the other video and that’s enough liberals to get worked up over. But this? Nah, it’s nothing because it’s a liberal saying it.

I see that nobody cares about what this ■■■■■■■ said. Cool.

Above the Law executive editor …

The irony is pathetic.

“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” ~ Donald Trump January 23rd, 2016

There is simply no excusing that kind of crap, but, incredibly, 62.8 million Americans voted to give him the Presidency.

Go figure.

At least the MSNBC contributor admitted to something our Corpulent Commander in Chief has seldom if ever exhibited “basic humanity”.



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Obviously the enemy of the people with hate like that.

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That was weak. You didn’t check your sources, he caught you on it and now you want to try a whiney little emotional trick from the moral grandstands.

Man up.

Read what he said again.

Why no mention of the male on male, which is through the roof?

Lol, the “I need hearing aids” counter. That’s a new one! :joy:

Yes. Downplaying the severity of sexual assaults is extremely weak

Another weak ass play. COME ON!

:point_up_2: Speaks volumes about the state of our military

Sorry but I see sexual assaults as a serious problem

Yes, it does. Just as I’ve been telling you for years.

As @WildRose said, not all sexual assaults are rape. Some are a serious problem. Some are Wokesters redefining everything that happens as sexual assault.

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That those in the military commit sexual assault at a higher rate than civilians?

No. They are all a serious problem

About and about the state of the US military.