Let's talk Biden in context

You are a moderate. Most of the party seems to be far left now days.

The lib duplicity is on full display in this thread. Point out why an attack on Trump is in error, and you become a “worshipper”. Defend all things Biden, and it’s just correcting out of context attacks on him. One can even go all out in Biden’s defense and still say " … but I’m not going to vote for him…" (and I agree that’s a perfectly rational position to take). But should stand in opposition to the relentless Trump siege, even if he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016, and he’s a Trump acolyte.

And the repeated call for taking Biden “in context” here … :roll_eyes: … when the same libs have been taking Trump out of context (or even mis-stating what he actually said) for the past 3 years… duplicity to the max.


Want to know something? I don’t believe Biden is losing his mental faculties at all. He’s a gaffe-a-day politician, for sure, but I think he knows exactly what he means and is just more of a Yogi Berra in his wit and in his thought-to-speech skills.

That pretty much says it all and you are 100 percent correct.

I used to think that but i think he is entering full blown dementia at this point.

By all means start a thread about taking Trump in context.

I’m sure you won’t believe it but I tried to start a thread on that topic on at least two occasions - it never got any traction.

I don’t understand why conservatives won’t just answer the question.

He’s often accused of being a sock puppet or of showing signs of dementia.

I never watch his speeches or interviews. (Because, ya know, I’m not a Dem).

But I’m wondering if people who say that, say that because they watch his entire speeches and can tell, or if they’re just going by headlines they’ve read.

Nobody said you’re a dem. I certainly say you are a lib, though.

And I’m glad you recognized yourself in the reply I made so someone else. The reply about DUPLICITY. I hope you can see it in yourself some day.

I started the thread. You said the purpose of the thread was duplicitous.

Doesn’t matter if you were responding to someone else. You were clearly attacking me, because, to make it very clear, I started the thread, and you said the purpose of the thread was duplicitous.


Finally found the thread I’d made, back in 2019.

Only one response. Neither Dems, Liberals, Republicans, Conservatives, or Independents were interested in providing a one-stop shop for inaccuracies about Trump - from whatever side they were on.

Which they could have done if they’d been of a mind to, and whIch I would have thought would have been interesting and helpful.

That’s not what I was referring to but pretend to care about ■■■■■ grabbing now

And it is. Damned straight it is.

What you’re calling for in this thread you have violated in thread after thread. :man_shrugging:

I don’t give a crap about a year-old thread that nobody wanted to respond to. It doesn’t change what has been going on throughout this board for over three years – to the point that admins decided to make a TTT thread to park some of it in the back of the building.

You’ve been a gleeful participant in that behavior.


WHAT behavior?

Trump does something stupid or vicious.

Someone starts a thread about it.

People can discuss the topic and disprove it!


The mods don’t want it talked about so they bury it in the TDS thread, or in the Coronavirs II thread where it quickly dies because people are already talking about something else.

The only thing that the TDS thread (and why is it a locked thread? Shouldn’t TDS-ers be allowed to talk about it even if everyone else wants to avoid the subject???) and the unweildy Coronavirus political threads succeed at is inhibiting discussion.

WHY is this thread duplicitous?

I’m asking a simple question of the Dems, who have Biden as their de facto candidate.

Is he showing incipient signs of dementia - which is what Hannity and the NY Post and other outlets have said - or are they taking his gaffes out of context?

Yet the only people responding here are conservatives who say, “Yeah, he’s senile” but provide no proof.

Only you gave a reasoned and honest answer when you said you thought he was a Yogi Berra type- which makes sense.



Leftists were convinced that the President’s focus on Ukraine, Joe and Hunter Biden was because he was afraid Joe could beat him in a Presidential race. The whole Democrat party bought into it. LOL

Saw this interview with Cuomo the other night. Same Joe that he’s always been.

People call Trump on the stupid and vicious stuff he says and does.

Is that the behavior you’re referring to?

Which those who prefer to igore it call TDS.

To which I respond that TDS cuts both ways.

Trump supporters who see and know what he does but don’t care because he’s brought us a “roaring” economy, and the fact that he’s lowered our standing around the world, betrayed our allies, etc. etc.

The things we can’t discuss but posts that raise those issues get buried in the TDS folder.

Whether or not they know it’s misquoted, misrepresented or out of context. Or care that it is. :roll_eyes:

Suddenly you are a champion of “context”.

What changed?

No “suddenly” about it.

See that initial thread from 2019.

I specifically asked for people to provide links to what they say - so that I can read what they are claiming was said…in context.

Read any one of my posts ever, I am always asking for links from people - on any side of the aisle - to back up their statements.

Imagine that. You got no response. :man_shrugging:

If you haven’t seen it yet, google the adage about wrestling pigs in mud.

Yes, I was surprised also.

I would have thought people on both sides of the aisle would have been interested in looking at Trump’s presidency and getting down to the facts about it, with links to back up their claims.

But, in the year since then, I have found that a lot of people make a lot of claims here, without bothering to back up their claims with links.

Case in point, the Stimulus Check thread in Beyond the Beltway.

Someone asks about the stimulus checks that were supposed to be coming out.

There were at least six responses, everyone speaking like they knew what they were talking about, and no one providing any links to back up their “facts.”

When the IRS had a page devoted to it, which should have been referenced and would have answered the OP’s qestion right then and there.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask that people provide links to things they claim. To me, that’s common sense.

But I can see where you, who are happy to take things on faith without asking for proof, are happy just believing whatever suits your own confirmation bias.

Hi Alex,

Yes, he sounds fine. In snippets he can come off as incoherent but if you look at prolonged interviews he is cogent and articulate. For example, the video of him and Bernie Sanders talking to each other during Bernie’s endorsement is a nice example.

I would scroll to around 7:30 into the video. Here is Biden talking with Sanders and he goes on a 3-4 minute talk about what is going on now, non-scripted. He fumbled one or two words but otherwise I think he hit it out of the park. The whole 22 minutes is interesting in my opinion but if you are concerned just watch those 4 minutes and decide for yourself if he is suffering from dementia.

He isn’t.

It is still an effective talking point for those on the Right who want Trump to win, I get that. But it isn’t true by any stretch of the imagination.

Hope everyone is well here, I will try to post here every week or so. Otherwise I get too stressed.

Stay safe.

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